
Friday, July 23, 2010


Meditation if done properly helps improve your health both physical and mental
It increases concentration
It relaxes and rejuvenates you
Different types of meditations are taught by different people
But the purpose is one
That of relieving you of your pressures and help improve your abilities
It is a therapy

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1 comment:

  1. Meditation Methods
    I will suggest you a simple one
    First fix a time in the morning when you wake up or at night before sleeping when the time is usually yours
    You can do it from bed in a lying position also
    You need not even get up in the morning and if it is night you can lie down comfortably in your bed
    Relax completely and stretch yourself comfortably
    Think of a form of a God or any thing that matters to you
    Think of a name or a mantra which you like and love to repeat
    Then think of that form and repeat that word (name or mantra which you have chosen)
    slowly concentrating on these two only
    Continue doing it as long as you can in the morning
    Continue it until you sleep if it is in the night
    Try to do it in a fixed time at a fixed place as far as possible
    Only one form to be chosen and only one name or short mantra to be taken for repetition
    Your mind may waver in the middle
    Don't worry
    Again and again continue doing this
    Let me know the results
    Wishing YOU all the Best
