
Friday, July 1, 2011

Truth - Only Truth & Bitter Truth

When we go to a Doctor we require him to be efficient, effective and do his duty sincerely.
When we send our children to a school we expect the teacher to be sincere and efficient and teach our children all abilities.
When we travel in an automobile we want the Driver to be efficient and drive carefully.
But when we work in our office are we,
We want others to be endowed with qualities which we do not possess or are not willing to acquire and follow.

We amass ill gotten wealth, make others' life miserable with our arrogant and foolish acts but when we get into trouble we go about praying to God and try to appease the Gods by doing so many things.
If God accepts all your gifts and prayers and helps you to overcome your difficulties when you continue to live your life in the same old bad way then he is not really a God and he can never be called a God.

We usually visit a Doctor say a family Doctor and get treatment only from him.
Occasionally when he is not able to attend on us and during emergencies when we are away from him we go to a Different Doctor to get treatment.
And he also treats us and cures our ailment.
Then he is not saying that only our own Doctor should be seen for getting the treatment. And we never wait for him to be available to come and treat us in times of emergencies or when he is away for a longer durations.

But in almost many organizations when we visit for a service unless that particular person is available we are asked to come again when only that person is available.
There is not much difference between Life and File.
Files also deal with lives of all the people only.
And to the Doctors life is also like a file only but they deal with more care.
And that will not give us any excuse to deal with files in a more careless way.

Files also should be attended to with sincerity and due care as a Doctor will attend a patient.

Decent persons will do so only.

Only fools and rogues will do the other way - careless, dishonest and inefficient.

Justice delayed is Justice denied.
In the courts we find that a lot of time is wasted in following practices that were formulated long time back.
One example is calling work done every morning.
The system can really be improved if only all in the Judicial System think for a while.
I used to be told that the present system is so only to avoid people rushing to courts for every simple reason.
I cannot accept that.
If Doctors start saying that they will not cure diseases faster but will allow it to be there for longer durations to prevent people from falling sick often with bad habits will that be.
The Doctors will say then only people will follow good habits and keep themselves more healthy.

Please Think it Over.
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