
Friday, July 1, 2011

The Funny People - I can only laugh at them

I have seen many people working in many low positions in various Government and other Organizations posing as if they are very important and misbehaving all the time with illiterate and humble people who happen to come to them to get their things done in the usual course of their business.
But these same people shiver before people of power and wag their tails like street dogs and look like beggars before them and do the duties asked by these so called powerful people with fear and respect.
These people are cowards and silly people.
Neither is required - They need not be arrogant and haughty with the humble people nor behave like silly beggars before people who wield power in the society.
I can only laugh at these funny people for their behaviors.

Our Agriculturists are slowly leaving agriculture in large numbers to migrate to bigger cities and towns to work as laborers because they hate village life which is without electricity power and need their work in the middle of the night.
Agriculture needs only a certain required amount of water daily in the morning and at times in the evening also.
Neither more nor less.
Most of the lands meant for agriculture depend on electricity to draw water for irrigation purposes.
They need only limited quantity of electricity to draw water and once sufficient quantity of water is available for agricultural operations they have to stop providing water for irrigation as otherwise the crops will be flooded and die.
Proper time for watering the plants is morning around 5 to 6 am and in the evening 6 to 7 pm. But our funny masters who manage electricity supply provide power for agricultural operations in the middle of the night most of the times in the villages.
Is it not cruelty to provide power in the middle of the night in a village where the fields are muddy and ridden with snakes and all insects.
The cities and towns can afford to be without power between these timings in the morning and evening so that until sufficient power is generated the available power may be provided to the village to carry on agricultural operations when it is needed by them to work in comfort and safety so that all can have food always to eat.
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1 comment:

  1. It is good to be friendly and close to your colleagues and show team spirit etc.,
    When a colleague or team member is getting married or enter a new house or invite for a function it is good that all members visit and make that person happy with your presence, presents etc.,
    But the sad part is that in many Government departments and few organizations the whole team or department absent themselves in an unauthorized way during working hours to visit and honor their colleague leaving that day's work and visitors unattended neglecting their duty.
    This is atrocious and nothing but nonsense.
