
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Oil in Food

Oil is invariably used in cooking foods for all.
In the southern districts of Tamilnadu Gingelley Oil is mostly used.
In the Western districts like Vellore etc., Groundnut oil is widely used.
In Kerala Coconut oil is used in preparing each and every food.
In the North Mustard oil is used everywhere.
Ghee is used by some and other Oils like Dalda, Vanaspathi etc., are used by many.
As long as one is young and the digestive system is active all oil items are digested.
But with age and when one falls sick and becomes weak then oil is his/her arch enemy when it is heated up and cooked on a pan over a stove.
Oil if taken raw without it being heated up is safe and good for health.
That is why south indians take idly with a powder and raw gingelly oil and it is good and safe for one's health.
But once any oil is heated and cooked by frying and boiling it becomes degenerated and turns dangerous on one's health creating common cold spoiling the lungs, bad cholesterol and other related ailments.
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1 comment:

  1. In Southern Districts of Tamilnadu taking oil bath using Gingelly Oil helps reducing the heat in the body and when taken as given below helps childless women to get children if the problem is due to heat. The heat in the body of women prevents them from becoming pregnant and also kills the sperm of their husbands and moreover creates hard white patches on their knees, elbow and head.
    Women to take oil bath on Friday. Fridays both are supposed to be together to get children.Men to take oil bath on Saturday
