
Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Girl Child Continued

A woman when she is fair, in good shape, with excellent manners, look neat and has attracting features then every man is after her. Some if eligible to get married to her, many simply to have fun with her, and some others to enjoy her beauty for a moment as if she is a thing of enjoyment to be enjoyed and thrown away.Few others go after her with an intent to rape her and satisfy their lust come what may trying all their level best and use all their powers to fulfill this wrong desire.
To all in general a pretty woman is a thing of entertainment and all want to enjoy that woman without minding that she too is a living being with a life of her own wherein she has her own options, ambitions, likings and feelings.
And at times few pretty woman also misuse their beauty to attract wealthy, powerful men towards them and rob them of their wealth and spoil their life and family.
Hence women always have to protect themselves from the evil thoughts of fellow men and only very few respect their feelings and consider them as another human being.
All others many times wait for an opportunity to exploit the situation and enjoy her to satisfy their lust and wrong desires.
Beware woman, Beware and Protect YOURSELF.
Some other women tend to become a woe to the men they come into contact and make their life miserable.
And most of the men woo the women to satisfy their personal desires and lust without any consideration for the feelings of the opposite sex.
Digg this


  1. In the past women were uneducated and hence go in for any decent employment and had to depend on their father, brother, son and other relatives and remained a slave to these people. Her talents were limited to running a family and that too under the iron hand of a male.Jewels were bought and she had to wear them inside the house as mostly she is tied to the house always remaining indoors and since there were no banks or lockers she was the carrier and custodian of wealth in the form of jewels.
    But now a woman is educated, employed and intelligent and she has opportunities to meet and work with many men whom she evaluates and compares with her known men and fall for the strong, efficient and the intelligent. When that attraction and admiration becomes an addiction then she breaks her family and go after that man spoiling both the families if they had one already.
    Think it over.

  2. Women from the poor strata always worked hard exposed to the world and fought with their husbands for their survival and when needed changed husbands easily and managed to live some how or other as their survival is at stake always.
    There life is different.
