In 1978 I purchased my first motor cycle - a Rajdoot Motor Byke.
From day number one I used to ride the vehicle only with a helmet on.
It is even before the enactment of an act making it compulsory to wear a helmet.
I did it voluntarily and enjoyed it.
Especially in a dirty city like Chennai - for that matter all the cities and towns in India are dirty and full of dust and pollution now a days - all are alike in their unhygienic conditions.
It is party due to our being in a tropical region and the major contribution is made by our rulers let it be our politicians or our administrative staff in the Government they are all equally responsible in keeping our country in such a sad state of ours.
I blame all administrators also equally along with the politicians because they are more responsible to the citizens of India as educated and employed lot when compared to the politicians.
But of late after growing old I find wearing a helmet a nuisance and health hazard.
I have head aches when I travel with a helmet on and also develop spinal and neck pain after wearing the helmet for a long time.
It is because of the so called roads which are only jungle paths fit to be used only by wild elephants.
No sane person will call it a road at all.
Even the so called four lanes toll roads also have occasional damages remaining unattended here and there.
This means that we Indians are very tolerant and do not know the real meaning of a road.
In foreign countries they have really good proper roads and the helmets made there are light weight and save the lives of the person wearing it.
If the Government really wants to save the lives of two wheeler it should first lay proper roads and provide better lights on the roads.
Without providing and taking care of this basic amenity if the Government says that it is sincerely interested in the welfare of the two wheelers then it is the biggest joke that one could have heard in his life time.
Laying proper roads and providing at reasonable rates light weight helmets will help save two wheelers.
I challenge those who are in power the law makers and the executives who arrange for the implementation of such stupid laws and the judges who insist that such laws should be meticulously implemented to come, wear a heavy helmet and travel at least as a pillion in a two wheeler in the hot summer in a city like Chennai for just two hours in the noon for a few days.
Truth will always prevail - the history of the world is full of such instances - and these jokers will one day feel sorry for their jokes - and then it will be too late.
May the Almighty save these human beings.
My favorite quote is -
The whole world itself is a small insect before God and who are all these petty people before God.
His Will Will be Done.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Think it over Series - 1
One day I was traveling with my second son who is a grown up one in our car.
The driver who was driving the car was in a very happy mood that day and he started declaring that as he is now driving our car one day his son also will drive the car of my son.
My son immediately re tarted as follows :
Uncle why do you want your son also to become only a driver.
Motivate him and provide him good education and make him earn enough to own a car and let him also hire another driver for his car.
That is my son.
I am proud of him.
Because I have seen many who want others and keep others in a low position so that they can command with their money and power and employ them as their help and servants.
Among these people we stand different and we wish the whole world and the humanity improvement, prosperity and success in life.
We wish and pray that the tribe of such people who think like us will increase and inhabit this earth in more numbers.
The driver who was driving the car was in a very happy mood that day and he started declaring that as he is now driving our car one day his son also will drive the car of my son.
My son immediately re tarted as follows :
Uncle why do you want your son also to become only a driver.
Motivate him and provide him good education and make him earn enough to own a car and let him also hire another driver for his car.
That is my son.
I am proud of him.
Because I have seen many who want others and keep others in a low position so that they can command with their money and power and employ them as their help and servants.
Among these people we stand different and we wish the whole world and the humanity improvement, prosperity and success in life.
We wish and pray that the tribe of such people who think like us will increase and inhabit this earth in more numbers.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Seva Vs Work
Seva is Service either paid or free.
Work is what one performs for what one is paid for.
People who work usually have ego, measure and work and expect rewards and awards either in cash or in kind in any form.
They usually have no commitment or loyalty but do it as a routine.
They merely follow the laid down rules without applying their mind to the principles based on which these rules were framed.
Rules are formed for the benefit of the people and not the people are to simply follow the rules.
To serve the people one can change the rules, be flexible but need not break the rules right away.
But if a rule is found to be obsolete, redundant then better take it up with the concerned authorities to amend, improve and change the rules to benefit all befitting the changing times.
Seva or service is done with love, devotion and with dedication.
One who wants to do seva or service will have no ego or will not hesitate to lend a helping hand and will go out of the way to help another person in need of help.
There will be no ego, no definitions like - it is my work - it is not my work - no red tapism.
Extending oneself without any limitations to serve the whole world is real Seva.
Many even in Charitable Institutions do only work and not interested in Seva.
They are misfits in such organizations.
Do YOU want to do Seva or only Work ?
Work is what one performs for what one is paid for.
People who work usually have ego, measure and work and expect rewards and awards either in cash or in kind in any form.
They usually have no commitment or loyalty but do it as a routine.
They merely follow the laid down rules without applying their mind to the principles based on which these rules were framed.
Rules are formed for the benefit of the people and not the people are to simply follow the rules.
To serve the people one can change the rules, be flexible but need not break the rules right away.
But if a rule is found to be obsolete, redundant then better take it up with the concerned authorities to amend, improve and change the rules to benefit all befitting the changing times.
Seva or service is done with love, devotion and with dedication.
One who wants to do seva or service will have no ego or will not hesitate to lend a helping hand and will go out of the way to help another person in need of help.
There will be no ego, no definitions like - it is my work - it is not my work - no red tapism.
Extending oneself without any limitations to serve the whole world is real Seva.
Many even in Charitable Institutions do only work and not interested in Seva.
They are misfits in such organizations.
Do YOU want to do Seva or only Work ?
Employee Vs Organization
Posted by Bien Saran
When One leaves an Organization then one also leaves behind one's impact depending on one's capabilities and one's position in the Organization.
The impact may be one's contributions made by one during one's presence in the Organization or one's personality while mingling with others etc.,
If that Organization is really Good then the employee who left it loses all the Good things he/she enjoyed there.
There is always a scope for both the Employee and the Organization to learn and benefit from each other when they happen to come together in some way or other.
When One leaves an Organization then one also leaves behind one's impact depending on one's capabilities and one's position in the Organization.
The impact may be one's contributions made by one during one's presence in the Organization or one's personality while mingling with others etc.,
If that Organization is really Good then the employee who left it loses all the Good things he/she enjoyed there.
There is always a scope for both the Employee and the Organization to learn and benefit from each other when they happen to come together in some way or other.
Thirukkural - The Wonder Book in Tamil - Translated in all languages of the World
Posted by Bien Saran
Even though our behaviors are not solely dependent on our history - our history plays a predominant role in influencing our behaviors most of the time.
Constant monitoring of oneself may help improve our behaviors.e
Thirukkural says as follows:
Whatever one may study and learn though various high sounding books - one's decisions will only be mostly influenced by one's basic capabilities one has acquired by Birth.
There are always exceptions.
Even though our behaviors are not solely dependent on our history - our history plays a predominant role in influencing our behaviors most of the time.
Constant monitoring of oneself may help improve our behaviors.e
Thirukkural says as follows:
Whatever one may study and learn though various high sounding books - one's decisions will only be mostly influenced by one's basic capabilities one has acquired by Birth.
There are always exceptions.
Posted by Bien Saran
There are Born Leaders.
They enjoy leadership and it is natural for them.
Some people are made Leaders.
Some of them then become real Leaders and enjoy leadership.
Others suffer from being a Leader and Leadership affects them in the longer run physically and mentally and they end as wrecks.
A real Leader will develop the next in the ladder to take over Leadership as and when required.
There are Born Leaders.
They enjoy leadership and it is natural for them.
Some people are made Leaders.
Some of them then become real Leaders and enjoy leadership.
Others suffer from being a Leader and Leadership affects them in the longer run physically and mentally and they end as wrecks.
A real Leader will develop the next in the ladder to take over Leadership as and when required.
Learning - a Way to Happiness
Learning is learning.
It has its own advantages.
If one can afford and has inclination then it is better to learn as many languages as one can.
It can be applied similarly to subjects also.
Otherwise if one wants to go abroad and work to earn then one has to know that language to be at ease and to be successful there.
Every one loves his/her own language and is happy to converse in it.
One is respected or at least recognized well if one speaks the language of that place where one works.
Even while traveling as a tourist one can learn and enjoy more if one knows the language of the land where he visits and travels in leisure.
Every one is not capable of learning all languages or even one more different language.
They need not feel shy or feel bad about this.
Even with a smile or with a good will at heart one can still learn the love of all where ever one may go.
After all, all are only Human Beings.
Language is not a barrier and is not the only bridge to reach the other end.
Language is only one of the tools of communication and not necessarily the only one.
All the Best.
It has its own advantages.
If one can afford and has inclination then it is better to learn as many languages as one can.
It can be applied similarly to subjects also.
Otherwise if one wants to go abroad and work to earn then one has to know that language to be at ease and to be successful there.
Every one loves his/her own language and is happy to converse in it.
One is respected or at least recognized well if one speaks the language of that place where one works.
Even while traveling as a tourist one can learn and enjoy more if one knows the language of the land where he visits and travels in leisure.
Every one is not capable of learning all languages or even one more different language.
They need not feel shy or feel bad about this.
Even with a smile or with a good will at heart one can still learn the love of all where ever one may go.
After all, all are only Human Beings.
Language is not a barrier and is not the only bridge to reach the other end.
Language is only one of the tools of communication and not necessarily the only one.
All the Best.
Role of Media in an Enlightened Society
Media gives importance only to negative reporting that is about all the violence, crimes and most of the times they want to be sensational to sell their products.
A responsible media will give importance to positive sides of the society also with more space allotted to identify honest and sincere people who really serve the society so that they will have some encouragement and recognition to be examples for others to follow.
When reporting the intention should be only to create positive effects on the society and not merely report sensational news which at times may be counter productive resulting in doing more damages to the society.
I have many times laughed at the news reports that are published which are far from truth and often exposed the immaturity or insincerity of the reporter in reporting the events that were not fully observed and recorded by him/her correctly.
Media is very powerful weapon and if only they do their duty intelligently they can make history in the country and the world.
Of course now and then they have proved their utility to the society thanks to the presence of some able reporters and editiors.
Will they do justice to their role in the society always?
A responsible media will give importance to positive sides of the society also with more space allotted to identify honest and sincere people who really serve the society so that they will have some encouragement and recognition to be examples for others to follow.
When reporting the intention should be only to create positive effects on the society and not merely report sensational news which at times may be counter productive resulting in doing more damages to the society.
I have many times laughed at the news reports that are published which are far from truth and often exposed the immaturity or insincerity of the reporter in reporting the events that were not fully observed and recorded by him/her correctly.
Media is very powerful weapon and if only they do their duty intelligently they can make history in the country and the world.
Of course now and then they have proved their utility to the society thanks to the presence of some able reporters and editiors.
Will they do justice to their role in the society always?
Plan, Prepare and Succeed
In Politics leaders lose power and regain in elections.
In examinations those who fail try again and pass in the subsequent attempts.
In wars victory is never owned by one side always.
As already commented in sports and games etc., today's loser may become tomorrow's winner.
Winning is also a relative term and in life others cannot judge a person whether he/she is a winner or loser as rightly observed by Lisa Clark.
What is important is not to lose heart when faced with a failure as there is a quote 'failure means delay but not defeat'.
If one accepts failure only to study where one failed and make improvements and try again properly then one can achieve success.
Planning, Preparing, Seeking Right Guidance etc., and Equipping one self before taking up any task will mostly ensure sure success.
Personally I usually plunge into any activity only when I am sure of success and if I am not sure of succeeding I take some more time to ensure that I succeed in every effort I make and end with only success.
I Wish every endeavor by every one to result in success.
In examinations those who fail try again and pass in the subsequent attempts.
In wars victory is never owned by one side always.
As already commented in sports and games etc., today's loser may become tomorrow's winner.
Winning is also a relative term and in life others cannot judge a person whether he/she is a winner or loser as rightly observed by Lisa Clark.
What is important is not to lose heart when faced with a failure as there is a quote 'failure means delay but not defeat'.
If one accepts failure only to study where one failed and make improvements and try again properly then one can achieve success.
Planning, Preparing, Seeking Right Guidance etc., and Equipping one self before taking up any task will mostly ensure sure success.
Personally I usually plunge into any activity only when I am sure of success and if I am not sure of succeeding I take some more time to ensure that I succeed in every effort I make and end with only success.
I Wish every endeavor by every one to result in success.
The Teacher/Trainer
An able, confident and really qualified teacher, trainer will coach the student, trainee very well so that the beneficiary can reach even better heights than the giver.
There lies the greatness and grandeur of the teaching, training profession.
Teaching, Training is a noble profession. It is the number one profession as it makes a person worth living.
That is why I entered this profession at the age of 58 after getting VRS from State Bank of India as a token of my Service to the Humanity.
I thank God and all those responsible for my entry into this profession.
There lies the greatness and grandeur of the teaching, training profession.
Teaching, Training is a noble profession. It is the number one profession as it makes a person worth living.
That is why I entered this profession at the age of 58 after getting VRS from State Bank of India as a token of my Service to the Humanity.
I thank God and all those responsible for my entry into this profession.
Johari Window
Johari Window helps one to improve one's personality, performance and to perfect oneself to have a more satisfied Life.
Open - Every one should try to be as much open as is required to the possible extant to be accepted and appreciated by all - Level varies from individual to individual.
Closed - Every one should have as much closed area as is required depending on one's position, responsibilities and need to safeguard oneself and to be effective and successful - Level varies from Individual to Individual.
Blind - One should identify close and reliable friends to watch and find out the Blind Area in oneself and encourage them to create awareness in oneself privately, discreetly and in a proper way to reduce the area as much as one can so that it will be very minimum.
Successful people keep this area at the least level and aspire continuously to get exposed so that this area can be reduced almost every day.
Dark - This area has to be totally eradicated and by being proactive in the above three areas one may try to explore and keep this area at the lowest level.
But only realized Souls can be sure that there is no Dark area related to them.
The more we try to keep this area smaller than all other areas we can be continuously Successful.
All the Best
Regarding Communications, only when one is effective and easily mingle with others one can get help from others to study and reach the required levels in all the four windows.
Open - Every one should try to be as much open as is required to the possible extant to be accepted and appreciated by all - Level varies from individual to individual.
Closed - Every one should have as much closed area as is required depending on one's position, responsibilities and need to safeguard oneself and to be effective and successful - Level varies from Individual to Individual.
Blind - One should identify close and reliable friends to watch and find out the Blind Area in oneself and encourage them to create awareness in oneself privately, discreetly and in a proper way to reduce the area as much as one can so that it will be very minimum.
Successful people keep this area at the least level and aspire continuously to get exposed so that this area can be reduced almost every day.
Dark - This area has to be totally eradicated and by being proactive in the above three areas one may try to explore and keep this area at the lowest level.
But only realized Souls can be sure that there is no Dark area related to them.
The more we try to keep this area smaller than all other areas we can be continuously Successful.
All the Best
Regarding Communications, only when one is effective and easily mingle with others one can get help from others to study and reach the required levels in all the four windows.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Girls - Features - Ageing
Some Girls are simply attractive at the first sight.
But not all are endowed with very fine features.
And liking of a certain feature differs from person to person depending on his perception of beauty, his/her liking etc., etc.,
when a Girl is strikingly beautiful at first sight then she may not continue to be so always in the longer run.
When looked at again and again and very closely one may find that certain aspects of features are not so good.
For some the nose may be nice
For some others the eyes may be shining
For some the chin and its protrusion may be attractive
For some the lips may be appealing
Like this every one feature may be unique and special in a particular Girl
Only very few Girls have all the features attractive and appealing always
They are exceptions.
When one closely look at an attractive Girl she may soon expose her deficiencies one by one in due course
The nose may not be so nice as one would like it to be
The eyes may not be as bright as one would want it to be
The chin may not be as good as one thought it to be in the first instance
The lips may not be as appealing as they appeared initially etc., etc.,
Even famous cine stars expose their deficiencies when one looks and inspects them closely over a period of time
The same is true with other Girls also
One may not look attractive at the first instance
But in due course one may find the special features of that particular person and start admiring that feature in that person
Above all Good Nature and other finer qualities like affection, care and attention are more important as people grow older than looks
There is a case where those who were once beauty queens in their teens turned not so beautiful oldies with growing age.
There are cases where those who were not at all beautiful in their younger days turned to be better and more beautiful in their old age
There are of course few who are always beautiful in both their teens and in their old agae
Similarly there are few who are not beautiful in their teens and continue to be so even when they grow old
But the funniest part of life is that degree of beauty changes from person to person and entirely depends on the viewer and it differs as perceived by the individual who looks at the person
But not all are endowed with very fine features.
And liking of a certain feature differs from person to person depending on his perception of beauty, his/her liking etc., etc.,
when a Girl is strikingly beautiful at first sight then she may not continue to be so always in the longer run.
When looked at again and again and very closely one may find that certain aspects of features are not so good.
For some the nose may be nice
For some others the eyes may be shining
For some the chin and its protrusion may be attractive
For some the lips may be appealing
Like this every one feature may be unique and special in a particular Girl
Only very few Girls have all the features attractive and appealing always
They are exceptions.
When one closely look at an attractive Girl she may soon expose her deficiencies one by one in due course
The nose may not be so nice as one would like it to be
The eyes may not be as bright as one would want it to be
The chin may not be as good as one thought it to be in the first instance
The lips may not be as appealing as they appeared initially etc., etc.,
Even famous cine stars expose their deficiencies when one looks and inspects them closely over a period of time
The same is true with other Girls also
One may not look attractive at the first instance
But in due course one may find the special features of that particular person and start admiring that feature in that person
Above all Good Nature and other finer qualities like affection, care and attention are more important as people grow older than looks
There is a case where those who were once beauty queens in their teens turned not so beautiful oldies with growing age.
There are cases where those who were not at all beautiful in their younger days turned to be better and more beautiful in their old age
There are of course few who are always beautiful in both their teens and in their old agae
Similarly there are few who are not beautiful in their teens and continue to be so even when they grow old
But the funniest part of life is that degree of beauty changes from person to person and entirely depends on the viewer and it differs as perceived by the individual who looks at the person
Monday, July 18, 2011
Girls, Girls and Girls
Girls have their own priorities, preferences and tastes.
They have a mind, they are independent and have their own likes and dislikes.
I am mentioning this only because for many men women are like toys to be played with and used and thrown out.
They never value the Girl as another human being just like himself.
Let us look at different types of girls now.
One girl may look very beautiful, very fair, with a well structured body and at the outset she may be admirable and everybody may fall for her and would love to own her and or enjoy her beauty.
But if one get close to her and know her intimately then one may find the following traits in her..
she may be very lazy with no inclination to cook or to maintain a house or even willing to rear her own children properly.
Her interests may be the following.
a)enjoy life without any hard work or responsibilities
b)wear costly clothes and jewels and boast before others
c)roam about places as and when she likes without any control
d)remain uncontrolled and no one can make her realize her position in the family or in the society
e)she may be selfish, arrogant and without any affection towards any one
If one finds such a girl,however she may be beautiful, can one marry her and enjoy life.
Life will be miserable for that person who marries such a girl.
This is equally applicable to all girls who may possess the above qualities whether they are beautiful or not.
But mere beauty alone will not make any one happy.
Possessing qualities like
a)affection towards husband and all others as much as required
b)realizing one's limitations and enjoying within permissible limits
c)possessing good qualities like not being selfish, greedy, jealous, unruly etc.,
d)effectively shouldering one's responsibilities and making life worth living for oneself and others around as much as possible
etc., are worth searching for in a girl when one wants to get married to her.
I know a woman with very good looks but she is very weak and anemic without enough blood and always requires medical assistance frequently.
Then how can that beauty, good looks benefit the person marrying her.
And there are few girls who are not satisfied with their own husbands.
They want and go after other men.
With economic freedom and higher education women have become free from the clutches of bad husbands and other relatives but this freedom has also enables them to compare all men they come across and at times crave for men who are better than their own husbands.
In the younger days one has no experience and when in love could not see and understand a person fully and only after marriage is able to know in full about the other partner. But then it is too late. What to do ? This is Life.
They have a mind, they are independent and have their own likes and dislikes.
I am mentioning this only because for many men women are like toys to be played with and used and thrown out.
They never value the Girl as another human being just like himself.
Let us look at different types of girls now.
One girl may look very beautiful, very fair, with a well structured body and at the outset she may be admirable and everybody may fall for her and would love to own her and or enjoy her beauty.
But if one get close to her and know her intimately then one may find the following traits in her..
she may be very lazy with no inclination to cook or to maintain a house or even willing to rear her own children properly.
Her interests may be the following.
a)enjoy life without any hard work or responsibilities
b)wear costly clothes and jewels and boast before others
c)roam about places as and when she likes without any control
d)remain uncontrolled and no one can make her realize her position in the family or in the society
e)she may be selfish, arrogant and without any affection towards any one
If one finds such a girl,however she may be beautiful, can one marry her and enjoy life.
Life will be miserable for that person who marries such a girl.
This is equally applicable to all girls who may possess the above qualities whether they are beautiful or not.
But mere beauty alone will not make any one happy.
Possessing qualities like
a)affection towards husband and all others as much as required
b)realizing one's limitations and enjoying within permissible limits
c)possessing good qualities like not being selfish, greedy, jealous, unruly etc.,
d)effectively shouldering one's responsibilities and making life worth living for oneself and others around as much as possible
etc., are worth searching for in a girl when one wants to get married to her.
I know a woman with very good looks but she is very weak and anemic without enough blood and always requires medical assistance frequently.
Then how can that beauty, good looks benefit the person marrying her.
And there are few girls who are not satisfied with their own husbands.
They want and go after other men.
With economic freedom and higher education women have become free from the clutches of bad husbands and other relatives but this freedom has also enables them to compare all men they come across and at times crave for men who are better than their own husbands.
In the younger days one has no experience and when in love could not see and understand a person fully and only after marriage is able to know in full about the other partner. But then it is too late. What to do ? This is Life.
share market
Invest only your surplus money which you can afford to lose if necessary.
Then you will have no regrets.
Be careful and watch the market
Do not expect returns early and learn to wait
Act in the share market like a Bear & a Bull
Know how to charge like a Bull and then to hold on like a Bear when necessary.
When the prices are high then charge like a Bull and sell your shares
When the prices are low hold on to your shares like a Bear
Patience and Right Decision Making are Important
To judge correctly and act fast are important
Do not invest much until you learn enough in the market
But at last you may find that it is sheer luck and have no need to use your brain always
It is like gambling only - at times
Various factors affect the share market
You will have to keep watch on the market always atleast an hour in a day
Divide the shares into two groups
a) for long term investment to be held like a bear
b) short term investments to be bought and sold fast like a bull charging
Act at the right time
Judging the right time to act and a bit of luck will get you money
If money is needed for specific needs like education, wedding, construction or medical aid etc., then share market is not for you.
Then you will have no regrets.
Be careful and watch the market
Do not expect returns early and learn to wait
Act in the share market like a Bear & a Bull
Know how to charge like a Bull and then to hold on like a Bear when necessary.
When the prices are high then charge like a Bull and sell your shares
When the prices are low hold on to your shares like a Bear
Patience and Right Decision Making are Important
To judge correctly and act fast are important
Do not invest much until you learn enough in the market
But at last you may find that it is sheer luck and have no need to use your brain always
It is like gambling only - at times
Various factors affect the share market
You will have to keep watch on the market always atleast an hour in a day
Divide the shares into two groups
a) for long term investment to be held like a bear
b) short term investments to be bought and sold fast like a bull charging
Act at the right time
Judging the right time to act and a bit of luck will get you money
If money is needed for specific needs like education, wedding, construction or medical aid etc., then share market is not for you.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Demanding & Accepting Bribes and Cheating Others for Financial Benefits
If there are two persons, say, A & B and if A is demanding a bribe from B or if A tries to cheat B and benefit financially out of that cheating then I am sorry for A.
Because this is the Truth and nothing but Truth and Truth has to be accepted.
In this case A is in a position equivalent to the situation of a person who will have to eat the human waste of another person. A 's act of demanding a bribe from B is equivalent to A eating the human waste of B. A is no better than any silly street beggar and is to be considered as a born bastard.
This equally applies to all the persons demanding a bribe or cheating others for financial benefits or those who are greedy for ill gotten and undeserving wealth.
Because the person bribing him will feel as above only and the act of A nothing better than eating the human waste of the person giving the bribe or being cheated.
Moral laws are very strict and no one can escape from them. Even though many such persons may appear to be rich, powerful and happy in reality he will be suffering from so many secret problems and ailments and will not have a happy life.
Appearances are false and the actual true inside story is not known to others.
Live an honest, sincere life and enjoy the benefits of it.
Earning in wrong ways and spending them again in hospitals and doing penances to appease Gods later is usually the work of fools and idiots only and wise people know better ways of living this life in this world.
Learn them and enjoy life.
Because this is the Truth and nothing but Truth and Truth has to be accepted.
In this case A is in a position equivalent to the situation of a person who will have to eat the human waste of another person. A 's act of demanding a bribe from B is equivalent to A eating the human waste of B. A is no better than any silly street beggar and is to be considered as a born bastard.
This equally applies to all the persons demanding a bribe or cheating others for financial benefits or those who are greedy for ill gotten and undeserving wealth.
Because the person bribing him will feel as above only and the act of A nothing better than eating the human waste of the person giving the bribe or being cheated.
Moral laws are very strict and no one can escape from them. Even though many such persons may appear to be rich, powerful and happy in reality he will be suffering from so many secret problems and ailments and will not have a happy life.
Appearances are false and the actual true inside story is not known to others.
Live an honest, sincere life and enjoy the benefits of it.
Earning in wrong ways and spending them again in hospitals and doing penances to appease Gods later is usually the work of fools and idiots only and wise people know better ways of living this life in this world.
Learn them and enjoy life.
Momentum - Understand Newton's Laws of Motion
If one learns and understands in full the Newton's Laws of Motion and rules relating to Momentum there will be fewer accidents, skidding and spinal problems for the rider, driver and passengers.
Human Kind - Sample 3
I had a subordinate officer who has been selected by me as sample 3.
He is honest, hard working and systematic in his work. He is dependable.
But he had bad memories of his harsh younger years. Those who had difficult times while they were young are mostly found withdrawn and do not trust or mingle with other people easily.And our friend is one such person. So one cannot see a smile or happiness in his countenance most of the times.He always looks rough and tough and even while talking to any one during the course of business he will be found to be harsh to them.
But once again I repeat, He is honest, hard working, systematic and dependable.
And he is working in a service industry where interaction with customers is very essential and is the only work most of the time.
During the annual exercise of updating service reports of all employees and officers I made the suggestion that he may be posted in a place where he need not interact with other human beings.
And the next assignment he had was inside a computer room where he has to manage the machines only most of the times and his exposure to other human beings is very minimal.
He enjoyed the work and the institution also benefited because he managed the machines so well that they had fewer problems from machines side.
Identifying one's strengths and weaknesses and allotting suitable work to that person is the paramount duty of a Manager/Leader to maximize output and full utilization of available Human Resources.
All the Best.
He is honest, hard working and systematic in his work. He is dependable.
But he had bad memories of his harsh younger years. Those who had difficult times while they were young are mostly found withdrawn and do not trust or mingle with other people easily.And our friend is one such person. So one cannot see a smile or happiness in his countenance most of the times.He always looks rough and tough and even while talking to any one during the course of business he will be found to be harsh to them.
But once again I repeat, He is honest, hard working, systematic and dependable.
And he is working in a service industry where interaction with customers is very essential and is the only work most of the time.
During the annual exercise of updating service reports of all employees and officers I made the suggestion that he may be posted in a place where he need not interact with other human beings.
And the next assignment he had was inside a computer room where he has to manage the machines only most of the times and his exposure to other human beings is very minimal.
He enjoyed the work and the institution also benefited because he managed the machines so well that they had fewer problems from machines side.
Identifying one's strengths and weaknesses and allotting suitable work to that person is the paramount duty of a Manager/Leader to maximize output and full utilization of available Human Resources.
All the Best.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Human Kind - Sample 2
The smiling boy.
Today I went to the famous Saravana Bhavan Hotel at Vada Palani in Chennai the capital of Tamilnadu in India.
This Hotel simply sprang up from nothing in the recent years and has overtaken in popularity the olden days giants like Dasaprakash and Woodlands Group of Hotels in Chennai.
They introduced popular dishes like Vada etc and changed the style of functioning of the Hotel Industry and became a success story and now enjoy a chain of Hotels in Chennai, India and Abroad.
The Waiter who attended me had such a bright and smiling face that I could not help but smile at him and spoke with him.
As he is very shy and did not want his name to be published I am not revealing his name but he requested me to give publicity to his employer by mentioning the name of the Hotel.
But his smiling bright face is so inviting and warm that it may everyone around him happy and relaxed.
I have seen many smiling faces in my life but this one is really number one and different.
Only such people are fit to be employed in service industries where the employees come into direct contact with different customers.
Especially a hotel where many come and go with so many tensions and problems can easily get relieved of their tensions and become relaxed by simply seeing this person and become happy with his service with a smile which is very soothing to everyone.
Every service industry where customer service is the priority should search and find such sweet smiling faced human beings and employ them encourage them and provide best customer service to their users.
May his tribe increase.
Let us find and use such people to spread happiness around them everywhere.
God has created many such persons to make life happier and pleasant.
Thank YOU Lord
Today I went to the famous Saravana Bhavan Hotel at Vada Palani in Chennai the capital of Tamilnadu in India.
This Hotel simply sprang up from nothing in the recent years and has overtaken in popularity the olden days giants like Dasaprakash and Woodlands Group of Hotels in Chennai.
They introduced popular dishes like Vada etc and changed the style of functioning of the Hotel Industry and became a success story and now enjoy a chain of Hotels in Chennai, India and Abroad.
The Waiter who attended me had such a bright and smiling face that I could not help but smile at him and spoke with him.
As he is very shy and did not want his name to be published I am not revealing his name but he requested me to give publicity to his employer by mentioning the name of the Hotel.
But his smiling bright face is so inviting and warm that it may everyone around him happy and relaxed.
I have seen many smiling faces in my life but this one is really number one and different.
Only such people are fit to be employed in service industries where the employees come into direct contact with different customers.
Especially a hotel where many come and go with so many tensions and problems can easily get relieved of their tensions and become relaxed by simply seeing this person and become happy with his service with a smile which is very soothing to everyone.
Every service industry where customer service is the priority should search and find such sweet smiling faced human beings and employ them encourage them and provide best customer service to their users.
May his tribe increase.
Let us find and use such people to spread happiness around them everywhere.
God has created many such persons to make life happier and pleasant.
Thank YOU Lord
Human Kind - Sample 1
The Funny Girl
I have an account in a hi tech branch that means it permits only high value customers to have an account with them.
A girl of course with some good looks is recently appointed there.
I visited the branch to take draft for a very small amount it being the examination fees for my MBA Course with IGNOU.
I was the only customer in that branch at that time and the girl at the counter did not have much work also.
She gave me a broad smile when I entered the Branch and after I am seated comfortably before her simply ignored me and was simply wasting time looking here and there and at the screen without any purpose.
After five minutes she again smiled at me politely and apologized with a sweet 'Please Excuse me, Sir' and continued to do nothing but opening the drawer of her counter and closing it, looking at the printer and adjusting it etc..
I could simply find that she is lazy idiot and simply wasting my time by simply doing nothing useful.
But I am very patient person and so I simply watched her with amusement.
Thus after smiling atleast ten times and repeating a sweet 'Please Excuse me, Sir' ten times she atlast received the draft application and the cash and slowly as if she is walking on a moon moved herself to issue a draft to me for that very small amount.
Normally any ordinary person would have taken only 3 to 5 minutes to complete the whole process however one may work.
But this funny girl took a solid 50 minutes to issue a draft, that too for a very meager amount.
she is the most funniest creature I have ever seen on this earth - a lazy idiot.
May God save her soul.
I have an account in a hi tech branch that means it permits only high value customers to have an account with them.
A girl of course with some good looks is recently appointed there.
I visited the branch to take draft for a very small amount it being the examination fees for my MBA Course with IGNOU.
I was the only customer in that branch at that time and the girl at the counter did not have much work also.
She gave me a broad smile when I entered the Branch and after I am seated comfortably before her simply ignored me and was simply wasting time looking here and there and at the screen without any purpose.
After five minutes she again smiled at me politely and apologized with a sweet 'Please Excuse me, Sir' and continued to do nothing but opening the drawer of her counter and closing it, looking at the printer and adjusting it etc..
I could simply find that she is lazy idiot and simply wasting my time by simply doing nothing useful.
But I am very patient person and so I simply watched her with amusement.
Thus after smiling atleast ten times and repeating a sweet 'Please Excuse me, Sir' ten times she atlast received the draft application and the cash and slowly as if she is walking on a moon moved herself to issue a draft to me for that very small amount.
Normally any ordinary person would have taken only 3 to 5 minutes to complete the whole process however one may work.
But this funny girl took a solid 50 minutes to issue a draft, that too for a very meager amount.
she is the most funniest creature I have ever seen on this earth - a lazy idiot.
May God save her soul.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Managing Emotions - It is an Art
Managing involves enabling control and one has to be strict in implementing the control mechanism.
Being strict and having control over men and things is different from shouting and losing control over one self.
Few Managers resort to shouting and exhibit anger openly with a purpose. It is a controlled action on their part and they are not lost in the moods and inwards stay relaxed but outwardly appear to be agitated and angry.
This planned and controlled emotions are good to manage affairs and everything is under control.
But many Managers are personally irritated and lose control of themselves when faced with problems and difficulties and resort to uncontrolled shouting and act in fits of anger thereby losing their head resulting in bad decisions and end in disaster.
This is because they are not equipped with the qualities to shoulder the responsibilities they are now asked to do and therefore being weak, foolish and in frustration they react so badly and it affects their health and decision making process.
These people are to be removed from these responsibilities in the interest of these individuals and also the organization.
These idiots are drag on the organization and one can see many such people in abundance in Government Offices and Public Sector Enterprises and at times in some private organizations also.
May God save these people and the organizations they are working for.
Being strict and having control over men and things is different from shouting and losing control over one self.
Few Managers resort to shouting and exhibit anger openly with a purpose. It is a controlled action on their part and they are not lost in the moods and inwards stay relaxed but outwardly appear to be agitated and angry.
This planned and controlled emotions are good to manage affairs and everything is under control.
But many Managers are personally irritated and lose control of themselves when faced with problems and difficulties and resort to uncontrolled shouting and act in fits of anger thereby losing their head resulting in bad decisions and end in disaster.
This is because they are not equipped with the qualities to shoulder the responsibilities they are now asked to do and therefore being weak, foolish and in frustration they react so badly and it affects their health and decision making process.
These people are to be removed from these responsibilities in the interest of these individuals and also the organization.
These idiots are drag on the organization and one can see many such people in abundance in Government Offices and Public Sector Enterprises and at times in some private organizations also.
May God save these people and the organizations they are working for.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Retirement - why people are afraid of Retirement ?
Most of the people shiver at the thought of getting retired in due course.
They feel helpless, less important and feel dejected and do not know what to do after retirement ?
Because mostly they are non performers while they were in a job and they were non achievers.
They have not achieved anything in their life while in service and had no ambition or ideals to follow.
And these people mostly would have been either humble servants doing their jobs as they knew or as their masters wanted them to be or they would have been arrogant and harassing all those who would have approached in their course of business.
After retirement they become easily sick and become a burden on the society.
I am sorry about these poor things.
May God Bless them with a Better Life.
They feel helpless, less important and feel dejected and do not know what to do after retirement ?
Because mostly they are non performers while they were in a job and they were non achievers.
They have not achieved anything in their life while in service and had no ambition or ideals to follow.
And these people mostly would have been either humble servants doing their jobs as they knew or as their masters wanted them to be or they would have been arrogant and harassing all those who would have approached in their course of business.
After retirement they become easily sick and become a burden on the society.
I am sorry about these poor things.
May God Bless them with a Better Life.
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Funny People - I can only laugh at them
I have seen many people working in many low positions in various Government and other Organizations posing as if they are very important and misbehaving all the time with illiterate and humble people who happen to come to them to get their things done in the usual course of their business.
But these same people shiver before people of power and wag their tails like street dogs and look like beggars before them and do the duties asked by these so called powerful people with fear and respect.
These people are cowards and silly people.
Neither is required - They need not be arrogant and haughty with the humble people nor behave like silly beggars before people who wield power in the society.
I can only laugh at these funny people for their behaviors.
Our Agriculturists are slowly leaving agriculture in large numbers to migrate to bigger cities and towns to work as laborers because they hate village life which is without electricity power and need their work in the middle of the night.
Agriculture needs only a certain required amount of water daily in the morning and at times in the evening also.
Neither more nor less.
Most of the lands meant for agriculture depend on electricity to draw water for irrigation purposes.
They need only limited quantity of electricity to draw water and once sufficient quantity of water is available for agricultural operations they have to stop providing water for irrigation as otherwise the crops will be flooded and die.
Proper time for watering the plants is morning around 5 to 6 am and in the evening 6 to 7 pm. But our funny masters who manage electricity supply provide power for agricultural operations in the middle of the night most of the times in the villages.
Is it not cruelty to provide power in the middle of the night in a village where the fields are muddy and ridden with snakes and all insects.
The cities and towns can afford to be without power between these timings in the morning and evening so that until sufficient power is generated the available power may be provided to the village to carry on agricultural operations when it is needed by them to work in comfort and safety so that all can have food always to eat.
But these same people shiver before people of power and wag their tails like street dogs and look like beggars before them and do the duties asked by these so called powerful people with fear and respect.
These people are cowards and silly people.
Neither is required - They need not be arrogant and haughty with the humble people nor behave like silly beggars before people who wield power in the society.
I can only laugh at these funny people for their behaviors.
Our Agriculturists are slowly leaving agriculture in large numbers to migrate to bigger cities and towns to work as laborers because they hate village life which is without electricity power and need their work in the middle of the night.
Agriculture needs only a certain required amount of water daily in the morning and at times in the evening also.
Neither more nor less.
Most of the lands meant for agriculture depend on electricity to draw water for irrigation purposes.
They need only limited quantity of electricity to draw water and once sufficient quantity of water is available for agricultural operations they have to stop providing water for irrigation as otherwise the crops will be flooded and die.
Proper time for watering the plants is morning around 5 to 6 am and in the evening 6 to 7 pm. But our funny masters who manage electricity supply provide power for agricultural operations in the middle of the night most of the times in the villages.
Is it not cruelty to provide power in the middle of the night in a village where the fields are muddy and ridden with snakes and all insects.
The cities and towns can afford to be without power between these timings in the morning and evening so that until sufficient power is generated the available power may be provided to the village to carry on agricultural operations when it is needed by them to work in comfort and safety so that all can have food always to eat.
Truth - Only Truth & Bitter Truth
When we go to a Doctor we require him to be efficient, effective and do his duty sincerely.
When we send our children to a school we expect the teacher to be sincere and efficient and teach our children all abilities.
When we travel in an automobile we want the Driver to be efficient and drive carefully.
But when we work in our office are we,
We want others to be endowed with qualities which we do not possess or are not willing to acquire and follow.
We amass ill gotten wealth, make others' life miserable with our arrogant and foolish acts but when we get into trouble we go about praying to God and try to appease the Gods by doing so many things.
If God accepts all your gifts and prayers and helps you to overcome your difficulties when you continue to live your life in the same old bad way then he is not really a God and he can never be called a God.
We usually visit a Doctor say a family Doctor and get treatment only from him.
Occasionally when he is not able to attend on us and during emergencies when we are away from him we go to a Different Doctor to get treatment.
And he also treats us and cures our ailment.
Then he is not saying that only our own Doctor should be seen for getting the treatment. And we never wait for him to be available to come and treat us in times of emergencies or when he is away for a longer durations.
But in almost many organizations when we visit for a service unless that particular person is available we are asked to come again when only that person is available.
There is not much difference between Life and File.
Files also deal with lives of all the people only.
And to the Doctors life is also like a file only but they deal with more care.
And that will not give us any excuse to deal with files in a more careless way.
Files also should be attended to with sincerity and due care as a Doctor will attend a patient.
Decent persons will do so only.
Only fools and rogues will do the other way - careless, dishonest and inefficient.
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
In the courts we find that a lot of time is wasted in following practices that were formulated long time back.
One example is calling work done every morning.
The system can really be improved if only all in the Judicial System think for a while.
I used to be told that the present system is so only to avoid people rushing to courts for every simple reason.
I cannot accept that.
If Doctors start saying that they will not cure diseases faster but will allow it to be there for longer durations to prevent people from falling sick often with bad habits will that be.
The Doctors will say then only people will follow good habits and keep themselves more healthy.
Please Think it Over.
When we send our children to a school we expect the teacher to be sincere and efficient and teach our children all abilities.
When we travel in an automobile we want the Driver to be efficient and drive carefully.
But when we work in our office are we,
We want others to be endowed with qualities which we do not possess or are not willing to acquire and follow.
We amass ill gotten wealth, make others' life miserable with our arrogant and foolish acts but when we get into trouble we go about praying to God and try to appease the Gods by doing so many things.
If God accepts all your gifts and prayers and helps you to overcome your difficulties when you continue to live your life in the same old bad way then he is not really a God and he can never be called a God.
We usually visit a Doctor say a family Doctor and get treatment only from him.
Occasionally when he is not able to attend on us and during emergencies when we are away from him we go to a Different Doctor to get treatment.
And he also treats us and cures our ailment.
Then he is not saying that only our own Doctor should be seen for getting the treatment. And we never wait for him to be available to come and treat us in times of emergencies or when he is away for a longer durations.
But in almost many organizations when we visit for a service unless that particular person is available we are asked to come again when only that person is available.
There is not much difference between Life and File.
Files also deal with lives of all the people only.
And to the Doctors life is also like a file only but they deal with more care.
And that will not give us any excuse to deal with files in a more careless way.
Files also should be attended to with sincerity and due care as a Doctor will attend a patient.
Decent persons will do so only.
Only fools and rogues will do the other way - careless, dishonest and inefficient.
Justice delayed is Justice denied.
In the courts we find that a lot of time is wasted in following practices that were formulated long time back.
One example is calling work done every morning.
The system can really be improved if only all in the Judicial System think for a while.
I used to be told that the present system is so only to avoid people rushing to courts for every simple reason.
I cannot accept that.
If Doctors start saying that they will not cure diseases faster but will allow it to be there for longer durations to prevent people from falling sick often with bad habits will that be.
The Doctors will say then only people will follow good habits and keep themselves more healthy.
Please Think it Over.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Rules, Rules and Rules - Regulations.
Rules are after all man made.
They have their own inefficiencies, insufficiency and turn inadequate over a period of time.
A constant, continuous review and re framing the existing old rules will only make life more meaningful, and worth living.
Fools will only always repeat always go after the old beaten path for ever.
Where ever the old ideas are relevant and good we have to follow them.
But not always all old laid down rules and regulations to be followed blindly.
Constant review is required due to the changing life style and improved technological use of resources and time.
Share Market is supported and controlled by the Government with their own rules and regulations.
But are all the rules are OK.
Should all the rules be simply obeyed.
If reorient our thought process and change the rules of the Share Market will the world be destroyed.
No - never - only one should have the will.
The ever raising prices of Oil Products like Petrol, Diesel, Gas, Kerosene etc., is causing much harm to whole human race which will one day find it difficult to live peacefully.
Hence there should be some soul searching and the Government if it wants to continue to be a Government for the people by the people and of the people go in for a shake up in the rules of the Share Market and decide as follows.
All the shares from the existing share holders of Oil Companies is to be purchased back and re allotted to the actual consumers of Oil Products in the weighted proportion.
All automobile users should be allowed to opt for shares depending on the capacity of vehicle they use and shares should be allotted on an yearly basis so that the consumer will be the shareholder in the oil companies depending on the number and the capacity of vehicles he owns.
Then the profit will be automatically flowing to him making him less nervous.
I used to laugh at one funny observation made by many a Chairman in their Annual Reports
When it is a Government owned or Government controlled organization nobody think about the accountability or profitafibility of the organization.
But when there are shareholders the Chairman says that he is accountable to the shareholders and there fore should run the organization profitably.
Why / Why / This Foolishness .
Every organization whether it is a Government Department or Government Organization or a Private Organization every organization should be run efficiently, effectively and profitably.
There can be no second opinion to this Truth.
Government offices also can earn profits by way of no complaints, no delays and proper implementation of all purposeful rules and regulations.
These can amount to their profit and when that notional profit is not achieved by any head of an institution, department he can be punished by demotion, cut in pay and perks and even dismissal if he is not improving.
I used to feel funny whenever a customer comes into my Branch of State Bank of India and demand better service because we are dealing only with his money.
I never failed to provide the best service possible and all customers invariably left fully satisfied and happy once they meet me.
I used to invite periodically the consumer forum members of the area where I work and ask voluntarily about their feedback about my work.
They only felt frustrated because as long as I remained in that place nobody had any chance to visit their office or complain about anything and hence they felt neglected and lost importance in the eyes of the local public as far as my Branch is concerned.
Of course we deal with people's money in the Banks.
But here at least we keep them safe and return it to them.
But the Government collecting money from the people is not always providing the services it is supposed to provide properly whichever may be the party that holds office in the Government.
It is also only the people's money and that too they are not sure getting back by way of services.
May the lot of our brethren be improved with Divine Grace
All the Best
They have their own inefficiencies, insufficiency and turn inadequate over a period of time.
A constant, continuous review and re framing the existing old rules will only make life more meaningful, and worth living.
Fools will only always repeat always go after the old beaten path for ever.
Where ever the old ideas are relevant and good we have to follow them.
But not always all old laid down rules and regulations to be followed blindly.
Constant review is required due to the changing life style and improved technological use of resources and time.
Share Market is supported and controlled by the Government with their own rules and regulations.
But are all the rules are OK.
Should all the rules be simply obeyed.
If reorient our thought process and change the rules of the Share Market will the world be destroyed.
No - never - only one should have the will.
The ever raising prices of Oil Products like Petrol, Diesel, Gas, Kerosene etc., is causing much harm to whole human race which will one day find it difficult to live peacefully.
Hence there should be some soul searching and the Government if it wants to continue to be a Government for the people by the people and of the people go in for a shake up in the rules of the Share Market and decide as follows.
All the shares from the existing share holders of Oil Companies is to be purchased back and re allotted to the actual consumers of Oil Products in the weighted proportion.
All automobile users should be allowed to opt for shares depending on the capacity of vehicle they use and shares should be allotted on an yearly basis so that the consumer will be the shareholder in the oil companies depending on the number and the capacity of vehicles he owns.
Then the profit will be automatically flowing to him making him less nervous.
I used to laugh at one funny observation made by many a Chairman in their Annual Reports
When it is a Government owned or Government controlled organization nobody think about the accountability or profitafibility of the organization.
But when there are shareholders the Chairman says that he is accountable to the shareholders and there fore should run the organization profitably.
Why / Why / This Foolishness .
Every organization whether it is a Government Department or Government Organization or a Private Organization every organization should be run efficiently, effectively and profitably.
There can be no second opinion to this Truth.
Government offices also can earn profits by way of no complaints, no delays and proper implementation of all purposeful rules and regulations.
These can amount to their profit and when that notional profit is not achieved by any head of an institution, department he can be punished by demotion, cut in pay and perks and even dismissal if he is not improving.
I used to feel funny whenever a customer comes into my Branch of State Bank of India and demand better service because we are dealing only with his money.
I never failed to provide the best service possible and all customers invariably left fully satisfied and happy once they meet me.
I used to invite periodically the consumer forum members of the area where I work and ask voluntarily about their feedback about my work.
They only felt frustrated because as long as I remained in that place nobody had any chance to visit their office or complain about anything and hence they felt neglected and lost importance in the eyes of the local public as far as my Branch is concerned.
Of course we deal with people's money in the Banks.
But here at least we keep them safe and return it to them.
But the Government collecting money from the people is not always providing the services it is supposed to provide properly whichever may be the party that holds office in the Government.
It is also only the people's money and that too they are not sure getting back by way of services.
May the lot of our brethren be improved with Divine Grace
All the Best
Stray Thoughts to Stay Forever
Thought for the Day
Most of the people in this world never think - they only worry.
Thinking is Good - Worrying is Bad.
Learn & Start Thinking
Salaries are paid mostly for all on the last day of the month.
Every month end ATM go dry early.
Queues are found before ATMs - Shops etc..
Calculations are done and Interests are paid every month end and even computers are at times overworked.
Is all this nonsense required.
Cannot we stop and think for a while.
What is the significance of a month end or a month beginning.
Salaries can be well planned and staggered to be disbursed on different dates for different set of people so that the exercise and all the above exercises can be done throughout the month spread uniformly on all days.
Most of us want to go in the same used old paths followed by our elders.
Need not be always.
We can start thinking afresh and wherever possible find new paths and establish new traditions and improve our life.
Man has foolishly made life more complicated and cumbersome only because when he changed his lifestyle he continues to follow the old established ways of life.
When there is a change in your thinking lifestyle etc., think also differently the way you live and work and find and set new and newer trends making life more easy and comfortable to enjoy living.
Let us start thinking.
Most of the people in this world never think - they only worry.
Thinking is Good - Worrying is Bad.
Learn & Start Thinking
Salaries are paid mostly for all on the last day of the month.
Every month end ATM go dry early.
Queues are found before ATMs - Shops etc..
Calculations are done and Interests are paid every month end and even computers are at times overworked.
Is all this nonsense required.
Cannot we stop and think for a while.
What is the significance of a month end or a month beginning.
Salaries can be well planned and staggered to be disbursed on different dates for different set of people so that the exercise and all the above exercises can be done throughout the month spread uniformly on all days.
Most of us want to go in the same used old paths followed by our elders.
Need not be always.
We can start thinking afresh and wherever possible find new paths and establish new traditions and improve our life.
Man has foolishly made life more complicated and cumbersome only because when he changed his lifestyle he continues to follow the old established ways of life.
When there is a change in your thinking lifestyle etc., think also differently the way you live and work and find and set new and newer trends making life more easy and comfortable to enjoy living.
Let us start thinking.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Banking in India - Financing Small Traders, Self Employed Persons, SHGs
Random Thoughts by an erstwhile Bank Manager.
Banking is a big funny exercise in India.
Many a Banker do not think seriously and that is why they are still stable.
We mix Banking with being a Government Agency for implementing its program mes, and do social banking and mass banking which no foreign bank can do successfully and survive.
Hence no banker knows what he is doing exactly at a particular time.
Whether he has to act as a
1) Commercial Banker
2) a Government Agency - an extended arm of the Government
3) a social welfare organization
4) catering to a large crowd of customers in a mass banking exercise etc..
Lending is of different kinds
Big Institutional, Corporate and Commercial advances have their own rules and regulations and work under already well laid down procedures to cater to their needs.
But till date the banks have not devised a system to extend, monitor and recover credit facilities to the very small tiny traders, self employed persons like hair dressers, plumbers, electricians etc., and the SHGs.
Big Customers have exclusive staff to go to the bank daily and operate their accounts.
But these small people have no assistance or time to visit the bank regularly as expected by the Bank.
Many a time a good hardworking sincere honest person belonging to these categories prefer to go in for private money lenders than coming to a bank because he has no time or assistance to spend at these banks.
The money lender is providing easy access, operate at convenient timings and locations and very customer friendly.
The banks have to find out ways and means to compete with the private money lender if it wants to really serve the masses in India as they many claim to do so often.
Only those who have no real work, lazy and plan to loot the bank by deciding to be a defaulter from the beginning have time and inclination to visit the banks several times and submit themselves to all the formalities that the banks may demand because their intention is only to defraud the bank.
And the growing NPAs in this segment is only because of the above mentioned reasons.
Similarly the SHGs lament that once in a month they have to waste one whole day in the bank to meet their requirements.
This is not needed.
Only some intelligent thinking and planning on the parts of the planners of the various banks can easily solve these problems.
Writing off of Agricultural debts periodically.
The various Governments' schemes of writing off of Agricultural debts now and then have a very bad effect on the honest agriculturists.
Slowly they are also tempted not to repay agricultural advances in time so that they can also wait and try their luck if a writing off of agricultural advances scheme is announced by the Government.
I have all the sympathy for the agriculturists as they have the right only to work and are not sure of their produce reaching their home in right quantity and quality and reimburse them if not more atleast equal to their investment labor and expectations.
The Governments when announcing such schemes can also as a goodwill gesture reward the prompt and honest lucky persons who have repaid their loans so that they will not feel bad for having been honest, hardworking and lucky.
All the Best
Banking is a big funny exercise in India.
Many a Banker do not think seriously and that is why they are still stable.
We mix Banking with being a Government Agency for implementing its program mes, and do social banking and mass banking which no foreign bank can do successfully and survive.
Hence no banker knows what he is doing exactly at a particular time.
Whether he has to act as a
1) Commercial Banker
2) a Government Agency - an extended arm of the Government
3) a social welfare organization
4) catering to a large crowd of customers in a mass banking exercise etc..
Lending is of different kinds
Big Institutional, Corporate and Commercial advances have their own rules and regulations and work under already well laid down procedures to cater to their needs.
But till date the banks have not devised a system to extend, monitor and recover credit facilities to the very small tiny traders, self employed persons like hair dressers, plumbers, electricians etc., and the SHGs.
Big Customers have exclusive staff to go to the bank daily and operate their accounts.
But these small people have no assistance or time to visit the bank regularly as expected by the Bank.
Many a time a good hardworking sincere honest person belonging to these categories prefer to go in for private money lenders than coming to a bank because he has no time or assistance to spend at these banks.
The money lender is providing easy access, operate at convenient timings and locations and very customer friendly.
The banks have to find out ways and means to compete with the private money lender if it wants to really serve the masses in India as they many claim to do so often.
Only those who have no real work, lazy and plan to loot the bank by deciding to be a defaulter from the beginning have time and inclination to visit the banks several times and submit themselves to all the formalities that the banks may demand because their intention is only to defraud the bank.
And the growing NPAs in this segment is only because of the above mentioned reasons.
Similarly the SHGs lament that once in a month they have to waste one whole day in the bank to meet their requirements.
This is not needed.
Only some intelligent thinking and planning on the parts of the planners of the various banks can easily solve these problems.
Writing off of Agricultural debts periodically.
The various Governments' schemes of writing off of Agricultural debts now and then have a very bad effect on the honest agriculturists.
Slowly they are also tempted not to repay agricultural advances in time so that they can also wait and try their luck if a writing off of agricultural advances scheme is announced by the Government.
I have all the sympathy for the agriculturists as they have the right only to work and are not sure of their produce reaching their home in right quantity and quality and reimburse them if not more atleast equal to their investment labor and expectations.
The Governments when announcing such schemes can also as a goodwill gesture reward the prompt and honest lucky persons who have repaid their loans so that they will not feel bad for having been honest, hardworking and lucky.
All the Best
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Water - Water - Water - Let us stop and think a moment.
Almost every year Tamilnadu and Karnataka fight for Cauvery Water.
If there is surplus water Karnataka has no other go but to release water to Tamilnadu as otherwise cities in Karnataka will be submerged in water.
At times the ever growing Bengaluru itself will not even have any drinking water.
I once saw the Krishnaraja Sagar Dam completely bone dry and then how can Karnataka release water to Tamilnadu ?
There is another suggestion.
Both the rivers Gothavari with perennial flow of water and Krishna are in Andhra Pradesh only.
Gothavari often floods and damages number of villages causing huge losses of life and resources.
If we connect Govathavari and Krishna then the surplus water in Gothavari will flow into river Krishna and Krishna river will be full of water throughout the year.
Now the canal connecting Krishna river and Chennai in Tamilnadu runs through dry stretches of Andhra Pradesh.
If surplus water flowing from Gothavari into Krishna is diverted to Chennai through this canal it will help irrigation en route in the dry Andhra Pradesh villages and reach Chennai providing much needed drinking water to Chennai all the 365 days.
Now this surplus water after satisfying the needs of the Chennai Population can be used otherwise also.
Ms.Jayalalitha the present Chief Minister of Tamilnadu has laid pipes from Veeranam Lake to Chennai successfully.
These pipes can be used in the reverse direction to take Gothavari - Krishna water that reached Chennai to Veeranam lake by pumping the opposite way.
Then Gothavari would have reached Veeranam Lake.
Already Veeranam Lake is connected to Cauvery with the help of Raja Canal.
The otherwise usually empty Veeranam Lake which is also bone dry during the Summer will also receive the much needed and available Gothavari water from Chennai.
The surplus in Veeranam Lake can be diverted through Raja Canal into Cauvery River so that it can flow to the fertile Tanjore fields providing the life to grow Paddy and other agricultural products always.
Gothavari - Krishna - Chennai - Veeranam Lake - Cauvery - Tanjore Fields
Gothavari Krishna link to be provided by Andhra Pradesh Government as both the rivers are in the same State with necessary aid from the Central Government and the Government of Tamilnadu, the beneficiary.
Krishna Chennai canal is already there.
Water can be drawn from this canal to serve en route villages in Andhra Pradesh also.
From Chennai to Veeranam the water can be pumped through the existing pipe lines in the opposite direction.
Veeranam will feed the Cauvery River through the Raja Canal in the opposite direction.
Gothavari water will reach the fertile Tanjore fields for Agricultural operations.
Mother Gothavari has the potential to meet all the above demands and flooding of river Gothavari will be past history.
Think it over. All the Best.
If there is surplus water Karnataka has no other go but to release water to Tamilnadu as otherwise cities in Karnataka will be submerged in water.
At times the ever growing Bengaluru itself will not even have any drinking water.
I once saw the Krishnaraja Sagar Dam completely bone dry and then how can Karnataka release water to Tamilnadu ?
There is another suggestion.
Both the rivers Gothavari with perennial flow of water and Krishna are in Andhra Pradesh only.
Gothavari often floods and damages number of villages causing huge losses of life and resources.
If we connect Govathavari and Krishna then the surplus water in Gothavari will flow into river Krishna and Krishna river will be full of water throughout the year.
Now the canal connecting Krishna river and Chennai in Tamilnadu runs through dry stretches of Andhra Pradesh.
If surplus water flowing from Gothavari into Krishna is diverted to Chennai through this canal it will help irrigation en route in the dry Andhra Pradesh villages and reach Chennai providing much needed drinking water to Chennai all the 365 days.
Now this surplus water after satisfying the needs of the Chennai Population can be used otherwise also.
Ms.Jayalalitha the present Chief Minister of Tamilnadu has laid pipes from Veeranam Lake to Chennai successfully.
These pipes can be used in the reverse direction to take Gothavari - Krishna water that reached Chennai to Veeranam lake by pumping the opposite way.
Then Gothavari would have reached Veeranam Lake.
Already Veeranam Lake is connected to Cauvery with the help of Raja Canal.
The otherwise usually empty Veeranam Lake which is also bone dry during the Summer will also receive the much needed and available Gothavari water from Chennai.
The surplus in Veeranam Lake can be diverted through Raja Canal into Cauvery River so that it can flow to the fertile Tanjore fields providing the life to grow Paddy and other agricultural products always.
Gothavari - Krishna - Chennai - Veeranam Lake - Cauvery - Tanjore Fields
Gothavari Krishna link to be provided by Andhra Pradesh Government as both the rivers are in the same State with necessary aid from the Central Government and the Government of Tamilnadu, the beneficiary.
Krishna Chennai canal is already there.
Water can be drawn from this canal to serve en route villages in Andhra Pradesh also.
From Chennai to Veeranam the water can be pumped through the existing pipe lines in the opposite direction.
Veeranam will feed the Cauvery River through the Raja Canal in the opposite direction.
Gothavari water will reach the fertile Tanjore fields for Agricultural operations.
Mother Gothavari has the potential to meet all the above demands and flooding of river Gothavari will be past history.
Think it over. All the Best.
Subject: Thought Explosion Sheet
Dear All
Life has become more challenging, demanding and complex.
We have our own ups and downs and it leaves its footprints on our mind and affect our moods
We need true friends to share our sorrows and mostly we need some one who can just listen and only listen patiently to the tales of our journey of life to have a safe and trusted vent
Find someone and share your thoughts to relieve you of the burden of carrying your struggles and get relaxed
The first step is to write them down on a paper and if needed tear it and destroy it safely after some time
Enjoy the relief and letting out
Have a safe outlet lest the lid may blow off in due course
Meditation and submission to Huzur also a way of Relief but that requires practice and HIS Grace Abundance Grace
May Huzur Bless us All with HIS GRACE in ABUNDANCE to be true children of Radhasoami Dayal
With Prayers to the Lotus Feet of our Great Masters
Life has become more challenging, demanding and complex.
We have our own ups and downs and it leaves its footprints on our mind and affect our moods
We need true friends to share our sorrows and mostly we need some one who can just listen and only listen patiently to the tales of our journey of life to have a safe and trusted vent
Find someone and share your thoughts to relieve you of the burden of carrying your struggles and get relaxed
The first step is to write them down on a paper and if needed tear it and destroy it safely after some time
Enjoy the relief and letting out
Have a safe outlet lest the lid may blow off in due course
Meditation and submission to Huzur also a way of Relief but that requires practice and HIS Grace Abundance Grace
May Huzur Bless us All with HIS GRACE in ABUNDANCE to be true children of Radhasoami Dayal
With Prayers to the Lotus Feet of our Great Masters
Monday, June 20, 2011
I saw a Beggar
Today I saw a beggar.
In a side street crouched closely to a big wall in a corner like a frightened animal.
He was short, black and dirty and had a lean body frame.
Who is he ?
Born to a beggar. I do not know. May be or may not be.
He too would have born to normal parents but may not be rich when compared to others.
Many become beggars because they are lazy and they find begging very profitable and comfortable.
No worries, No struggles except a fight or two with some stray dogs or with some anti social thief.
No tax planning and No restrictions.
I have seen the following beggars many years ago.
In Tuticorin a port town in Tamilnadu one old man used to beg near a railway gate on the road near the sea.
To my astonishment one day I saw the Branch Manager of Grindlays Bank stopping his car near him to wish him a Good Day.
I later found that(imagine this was in 1970) this beggar had a deposit to the tune of Rs.10,000/- and is a valuable customer of Grindlays Bank, Tuticorin.
I have seen many beggars lending money to shopkeepers regularly.
In Vellore another town in Tamilnadu I found a girl of age around 20 begging in trains bound for then Madras and Bangalore and she owned three houses in the town of Vellore and was collecting rent from the tenants and had a big balance in her Bank Account.
But she continued her profitable venture of begging regularly.
On seeing all these I have stopped giving alms to any one who come begging to me as I not sure whether I am better off than them financially.
And when you encourage beggars it is heard that seasoned beggar criminals catch hold of young children maim them and force them to go around begging inviting the sympathy of those who suspect nothing but believe and donate liberally.
Now a days I find that big reputed companies in the fields of manufacture etc., and service providers in the field of communication etc., behaving like beggars and at time ordinary beggars are thousand times better than these white collared multi million turnover company bosses the so called industrialists and big shots of commerce.
These people reject supplies on wrong reasons and then steal them silently, and again they steal from crores of mobile users by stealing stealthily a meagre amount of one rupee from a connection now and then but the amount they collect at the end of the operation is a few crores of Rupees.
These big Managers, owners and bosses of huge empires of business and commerce and industry are the real beggars of today and I am sure that their mom would have slept with a beggar to give birth to these bastards.
But in the society they are recognized as big industrial tycoons.
God save us from these goonda elements.
In a side street crouched closely to a big wall in a corner like a frightened animal.
He was short, black and dirty and had a lean body frame.
Who is he ?
Born to a beggar. I do not know. May be or may not be.
He too would have born to normal parents but may not be rich when compared to others.
Many become beggars because they are lazy and they find begging very profitable and comfortable.
No worries, No struggles except a fight or two with some stray dogs or with some anti social thief.
No tax planning and No restrictions.
I have seen the following beggars many years ago.
In Tuticorin a port town in Tamilnadu one old man used to beg near a railway gate on the road near the sea.
To my astonishment one day I saw the Branch Manager of Grindlays Bank stopping his car near him to wish him a Good Day.
I later found that(imagine this was in 1970) this beggar had a deposit to the tune of Rs.10,000/- and is a valuable customer of Grindlays Bank, Tuticorin.
I have seen many beggars lending money to shopkeepers regularly.
In Vellore another town in Tamilnadu I found a girl of age around 20 begging in trains bound for then Madras and Bangalore and she owned three houses in the town of Vellore and was collecting rent from the tenants and had a big balance in her Bank Account.
But she continued her profitable venture of begging regularly.
On seeing all these I have stopped giving alms to any one who come begging to me as I not sure whether I am better off than them financially.
And when you encourage beggars it is heard that seasoned beggar criminals catch hold of young children maim them and force them to go around begging inviting the sympathy of those who suspect nothing but believe and donate liberally.
Now a days I find that big reputed companies in the fields of manufacture etc., and service providers in the field of communication etc., behaving like beggars and at time ordinary beggars are thousand times better than these white collared multi million turnover company bosses the so called industrialists and big shots of commerce.
These people reject supplies on wrong reasons and then steal them silently, and again they steal from crores of mobile users by stealing stealthily a meagre amount of one rupee from a connection now and then but the amount they collect at the end of the operation is a few crores of Rupees.
These big Managers, owners and bosses of huge empires of business and commerce and industry are the real beggars of today and I am sure that their mom would have slept with a beggar to give birth to these bastards.
But in the society they are recognized as big industrial tycoons.
God save us from these goonda elements.
Traffic, Accidents, Violations and Some Good Things
Everyone has to face nowadays one nightmare compulsorily in life and that is facing the traffic and traveling in crowded cities by whatever mode of transport one chooses.
One side the National Highways are improved with 4 lane traffic etc., and on the other side volume of traffic has increased to a choking point that traveling is no more a pleasure but it is better today than it was yesterday. That is all.
Life is nothing but a clash of common interests with time, space, opportunity etc., constraints.
It is true and applicable to traffic also.
If every body has got sufficient time and more space then except accidents due to mechanical and human failure no other accidents that occur due to paucity of time and space will happen.
When two expert drivers meet each other from opposite sides then normally no accident will occur.
When one expert driver and another foolish driver meet each other from opposite sides then occasionally accidents may occur.
When two fools are at the driving wheels of their respective cars and when they meet each other from opposite sides then most probably an accident may occur most of the times.
Driving is anticipation.
Due to the growing traffic in many cities tempers run high when there are violations in following traffic rules and we see often both the parties hurling abuses on each other and ending in an unpleasant situation.
Violations may happen at time for no fault of any one driver because of the time and space constraint etc., then it is better to throw a warm smile on the other one and go around happily with a pleasant feeling.
I remember now the drivers of Darjeeling mountain road jeeps who if they happen to come in front of another one in the middle of the road especially in the curves politely back up throw a sorry and go away smiling leaving every one happy.
When you meet an offender on the road stop smile and go away happily.
I always stopped my two wheeler or car at the right time whenever anyone wrongly crosses my path and my warm smile at them was always responded to by them with a bowed head and in silence they used to suffer the shame they had put them in.
Have a good day and Drive around happily.
One side the National Highways are improved with 4 lane traffic etc., and on the other side volume of traffic has increased to a choking point that traveling is no more a pleasure but it is better today than it was yesterday. That is all.
Life is nothing but a clash of common interests with time, space, opportunity etc., constraints.
It is true and applicable to traffic also.
If every body has got sufficient time and more space then except accidents due to mechanical and human failure no other accidents that occur due to paucity of time and space will happen.
When two expert drivers meet each other from opposite sides then normally no accident will occur.
When one expert driver and another foolish driver meet each other from opposite sides then occasionally accidents may occur.
When two fools are at the driving wheels of their respective cars and when they meet each other from opposite sides then most probably an accident may occur most of the times.
Driving is anticipation.
Due to the growing traffic in many cities tempers run high when there are violations in following traffic rules and we see often both the parties hurling abuses on each other and ending in an unpleasant situation.
Violations may happen at time for no fault of any one driver because of the time and space constraint etc., then it is better to throw a warm smile on the other one and go around happily with a pleasant feeling.
I remember now the drivers of Darjeeling mountain road jeeps who if they happen to come in front of another one in the middle of the road especially in the curves politely back up throw a sorry and go away smiling leaving every one happy.
When you meet an offender on the road stop smile and go away happily.
I always stopped my two wheeler or car at the right time whenever anyone wrongly crosses my path and my warm smile at them was always responded to by them with a bowed head and in silence they used to suffer the shame they had put them in.
Have a good day and Drive around happily.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Oil in Food
Oil is invariably used in cooking foods for all.
In the southern districts of Tamilnadu Gingelley Oil is mostly used.
In the Western districts like Vellore etc., Groundnut oil is widely used.
In Kerala Coconut oil is used in preparing each and every food.
In the North Mustard oil is used everywhere.
Ghee is used by some and other Oils like Dalda, Vanaspathi etc., are used by many.
As long as one is young and the digestive system is active all oil items are digested.
But with age and when one falls sick and becomes weak then oil is his/her arch enemy when it is heated up and cooked on a pan over a stove.
Oil if taken raw without it being heated up is safe and good for health.
That is why south indians take idly with a powder and raw gingelly oil and it is good and safe for one's health.
But once any oil is heated and cooked by frying and boiling it becomes degenerated and turns dangerous on one's health creating common cold spoiling the lungs, bad cholesterol and other related ailments.
In the southern districts of Tamilnadu Gingelley Oil is mostly used.
In the Western districts like Vellore etc., Groundnut oil is widely used.
In Kerala Coconut oil is used in preparing each and every food.
In the North Mustard oil is used everywhere.
Ghee is used by some and other Oils like Dalda, Vanaspathi etc., are used by many.
As long as one is young and the digestive system is active all oil items are digested.
But with age and when one falls sick and becomes weak then oil is his/her arch enemy when it is heated up and cooked on a pan over a stove.
Oil if taken raw without it being heated up is safe and good for health.
That is why south indians take idly with a powder and raw gingelly oil and it is good and safe for one's health.
But once any oil is heated and cooked by frying and boiling it becomes degenerated and turns dangerous on one's health creating common cold spoiling the lungs, bad cholesterol and other related ailments.
The Girl Child Continued
A woman when she is fair, in good shape, with excellent manners, look neat and has attracting features then every man is after her. Some if eligible to get married to her, many simply to have fun with her, and some others to enjoy her beauty for a moment as if she is a thing of enjoyment to be enjoyed and thrown away.Few others go after her with an intent to rape her and satisfy their lust come what may trying all their level best and use all their powers to fulfill this wrong desire.
To all in general a pretty woman is a thing of entertainment and all want to enjoy that woman without minding that she too is a living being with a life of her own wherein she has her own options, ambitions, likings and feelings.
And at times few pretty woman also misuse their beauty to attract wealthy, powerful men towards them and rob them of their wealth and spoil their life and family.
Hence women always have to protect themselves from the evil thoughts of fellow men and only very few respect their feelings and consider them as another human being.
All others many times wait for an opportunity to exploit the situation and enjoy her to satisfy their lust and wrong desires.
Beware woman, Beware and Protect YOURSELF.
Some other women tend to become a woe to the men they come into contact and make their life miserable.
And most of the men woo the women to satisfy their personal desires and lust without any consideration for the feelings of the opposite sex.
To all in general a pretty woman is a thing of entertainment and all want to enjoy that woman without minding that she too is a living being with a life of her own wherein she has her own options, ambitions, likings and feelings.
And at times few pretty woman also misuse their beauty to attract wealthy, powerful men towards them and rob them of their wealth and spoil their life and family.
Hence women always have to protect themselves from the evil thoughts of fellow men and only very few respect their feelings and consider them as another human being.
All others many times wait for an opportunity to exploit the situation and enjoy her to satisfy their lust and wrong desires.
Beware woman, Beware and Protect YOURSELF.
Some other women tend to become a woe to the men they come into contact and make their life miserable.
And most of the men woo the women to satisfy their personal desires and lust without any consideration for the feelings of the opposite sex.
Thirunangai (In Tamil) - The Sexless - Neither Male nor Female - The Child of God Himself
In India the sexless are called as Aravanis.
I note to call them as Sexless as they cannot have sex either with a male or a female.
As per the Dictionary.Com - World English Dictionary
eu-nuch(noun) means -
a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by Oriental rulers as a harem guard or palace official.
The Transgender(noun) -
a person appearing or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, as a transsexual or habitual cross-dresser.
Hence eu-nuch and transgender are different from these Sexless members of the Public.
As soon as a child of this nature is born then I understand that the family deserts the child and hands over the child to the already grown up people belonging to this Sexless Community to be brought up by them.
Until recent times they had no recognition by the Society and the Government.
They had no ration card, had no access to schools and had no education and hence they were not employed and even were not employed as unskilled or casual laborers to do odd jobs.
Hence they were compelled to go in for begging to live their daily life and to feed their hunger.
In due course they became very rough and misbehaved in trains and streets especially in big towns like Mumbai and indulged in trafficking in women and drugs and became criminals and beggars.
Some became money lenders themselves or thugs for collecting money on behalf other ordinary money lenders.
They were deprived of decent education, decent living and compelled to become outlaws by the Society and the Government.
But now I understand the Government is slowly recognizing their plight and arranging to include them in the population census taken by the Government periodically and also to issue ration cards, allow them to join and study in schools, given employment opportunities and at last respect as fellow Human Beings.
They are our brother cum sister, the children of God.
Let us respect them and allow them to live a normal life just like any others.
Thank YOU.
I note to call them as Sexless as they cannot have sex either with a male or a female.
As per the Dictionary.Com - World English Dictionary
eu-nuch(noun) means -
a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by Oriental rulers as a harem guard or palace official.
The Transgender(noun) -
a person appearing or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, as a transsexual or habitual cross-dresser.
Hence eu-nuch and transgender are different from these Sexless members of the Public.
As soon as a child of this nature is born then I understand that the family deserts the child and hands over the child to the already grown up people belonging to this Sexless Community to be brought up by them.
Until recent times they had no recognition by the Society and the Government.
They had no ration card, had no access to schools and had no education and hence they were not employed and even were not employed as unskilled or casual laborers to do odd jobs.
Hence they were compelled to go in for begging to live their daily life and to feed their hunger.
In due course they became very rough and misbehaved in trains and streets especially in big towns like Mumbai and indulged in trafficking in women and drugs and became criminals and beggars.
Some became money lenders themselves or thugs for collecting money on behalf other ordinary money lenders.
They were deprived of decent education, decent living and compelled to become outlaws by the Society and the Government.
But now I understand the Government is slowly recognizing their plight and arranging to include them in the population census taken by the Government periodically and also to issue ration cards, allow them to join and study in schools, given employment opportunities and at last respect as fellow Human Beings.
They are our brother cum sister, the children of God.
Let us respect them and allow them to live a normal life just like any others.
Thank YOU.
The Girl Child
Babies are the same when they are very young - cute, small, soft, sweet and there is almost no difference between a boy, a girl or a child who is neither a male nor a female.
A baby is a baby and you enjoy watching it, touching it and playing with it.
Once they grow up you identify them as a boy, a girl or a child of neither sex who may be called as sexless.
I prefer to call the sexless as the God's Children.
The life of these God's Children requires our attention and I note deal with it separately as they are also Human Beings but differently created by the Creator Himself for what purpose I still do not know.
The life of a Male is mostly OK.
Even though here and there few men are harassed by the other two sexes the women and the sexless and are victims themselves mostly it is the female folk who are almost equal in number to the male population and are often at the receiving end facing abuses, atrocities etc., hurled at them with arrogance.
Here I note to deal with The Girl Child
to be continued
A baby is a baby and you enjoy watching it, touching it and playing with it.
Once they grow up you identify them as a boy, a girl or a child of neither sex who may be called as sexless.
I prefer to call the sexless as the God's Children.
The life of these God's Children requires our attention and I note deal with it separately as they are also Human Beings but differently created by the Creator Himself for what purpose I still do not know.
The life of a Male is mostly OK.
Even though here and there few men are harassed by the other two sexes the women and the sexless and are victims themselves mostly it is the female folk who are almost equal in number to the male population and are often at the receiving end facing abuses, atrocities etc., hurled at them with arrogance.
Here I note to deal with The Girl Child
to be continued
Friday, June 17, 2011
Saving - a Habit
Whenever YOU earn fix a percentage of it depending on your wishes to be saved compulsorily
Saving methods
1) Cash
2) Bullion - Gold
3) House
4) Land - Gardens
5) Bank Deposits
6) Insurance Policies - Life, Health(Medical) & Properties
7) Public Provident Fund Account of Government of India
8) Charities - Investment in which will yield you great satisfaction and peace of mind
9) Other forms of investments - to be done after careful decision making
One can decide how much percentage of his income has to be invested in anyone of the above saving modes when and how depending on his lifestyle and requirements
All the Best
Saving methods
1) Cash
2) Bullion - Gold
3) House
4) Land - Gardens
5) Bank Deposits
6) Insurance Policies - Life, Health(Medical) & Properties
7) Public Provident Fund Account of Government of India
8) Charities - Investment in which will yield you great satisfaction and peace of mind
9) Other forms of investments - to be done after careful decision making
One can decide how much percentage of his income has to be invested in anyone of the above saving modes when and how depending on his lifestyle and requirements
All the Best
Dear Friends
Recollecting from my childhood days I could find that life has become more demanding and more complicated.
Relatives - many of them are no more friendly helpful and at times they are very jealous and stand as a stumbling block in the path of our progress.
Friends - if not chosen carefully lead us astray wasting our time and money
Hence the day has come
a) to screen your relatives and choose those who are really caring for us and who are really sincere in their life and of course good
b) to select true and real friends who share the same ideals and have the same understanding so that you can move with them in harmony
and move only with these people spending your valuable time and resources.
Now distance is no more a problem
You have internet, mobile phone (however one may cry that using them is harmful to all) which allows one to contact, see and interact with loved ones.
Create your own network of well wishers and share with them your thoughts and live happily making life rewarding
All the Best
Relatives - many of them are no more friendly helpful and at times they are very jealous and stand as a stumbling block in the path of our progress.
Friends - if not chosen carefully lead us astray wasting our time and money
Hence the day has come
a) to screen your relatives and choose those who are really caring for us and who are really sincere in their life and of course good
b) to select true and real friends who share the same ideals and have the same understanding so that you can move with them in harmony
and move only with these people spending your valuable time and resources.
Now distance is no more a problem
You have internet, mobile phone (however one may cry that using them is harmful to all) which allows one to contact, see and interact with loved ones.
Create your own network of well wishers and share with them your thoughts and live happily making life rewarding
All the Best
Monday, March 28, 2011
Agricultural activities are no more attractive to the labor force and they are not interested in continuing their life in the rural side.
They migrate to nearby bigger cities and live in the open on platforms or any place available and indulge in daily contract work as workers in road laying or in large construction projects.
They are always on the move and hence their children of all ages or both the sexes accompany them and hence are deprived of schooling.
All these children do not attend any schools as they cannot attend.
This illiterate group is slowly growing
What is the solution to this problem ?
A large number of boys from Bihar have come to Chennai and other Southern States to work as painters and workers in large construction sites and there is great demand for them as the wages paid to them or less than that demanded by the local people.
They migrate to nearby bigger cities and live in the open on platforms or any place available and indulge in daily contract work as workers in road laying or in large construction projects.
They are always on the move and hence their children of all ages or both the sexes accompany them and hence are deprived of schooling.
All these children do not attend any schools as they cannot attend.
This illiterate group is slowly growing
What is the solution to this problem ?
A large number of boys from Bihar have come to Chennai and other Southern States to work as painters and workers in large construction sites and there is great demand for them as the wages paid to them or less than that demanded by the local people.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Credit Cards
Letter dated 9 March 2006 addressed to
Mr. A.K. Purwar, The Chairman, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai 400 021, Maharashtra.
I enclose my observations on the present day functioning of the Credit Cards in our Country especially by the SBI Card vis a vis Insurance companies for your kind information and necessary amendments may be made based on the following facts.
Credit Cards
Credit Cards are designed
First – to promote plastic money thereby reducing dependence on paper money –
A Savings to the Ex-Chequer.
Second - to provide easy and flexible line of Credit to deserving people.
Third - to popularize the plastic money its credibility has been ensured.
Hence if accepted by a vendor for goods sold and or services rendered the vendor is assured of reimbursement without any delay or demur under all circumstances.
Insurance and similar services.
Insurance and similar such services are designed
First – to provide solace to the dependents of the Insured in case of calamities.
Second - to provide an avenue to save for the future.
Third - to avail the benefits offered by the Income Tax Authorities for such
Hence when a person go in for such Insurance and similar schemes his interest is the foremost and has to be protected first as the Insurance Companies are already protected well by various legislations.
SBI Card Vs Insurance
The Insurance service provider is well protected in case of non payment of premium, by the Policy Holder.
The Insured, the individual only has to pay his premium in time to protect his interests by keeping the policy in force.
Hence only the Insured is at the receiving end and when the Insured opts for the payment of any premium through any Credit Card only the Insured’s Mandate is Supreme and the Credit Card Service provider has an obligation only to the Insured and not to the Insurance Company as the Interest of the Insured is only at jeopardy in case of disputes and in no way the Insurance Company is put to any loss by non payment of premium. The Credit Card Service provider is to safeguard the Stake of the Insured only in such cases and not vice versa.
Now the rules governing the Credit Cards take care of the Insurance Companies only and do not accept the instructions of the Insured which is not fair as explained in the above paragraphs .
I request you, Sir to reconsider the present stand of the Credit Card Organisations and please reverse the situation to protect the interests of the Insured and not vice versa.
Thanking you, Sir,
I remain,
Yours truly,
E.V.S. Aranganathan.
Mr. A.K. Purwar, The Chairman, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai 400 021, Maharashtra.
I enclose my observations on the present day functioning of the Credit Cards in our Country especially by the SBI Card vis a vis Insurance companies for your kind information and necessary amendments may be made based on the following facts.
Credit Cards
Credit Cards are designed
First – to promote plastic money thereby reducing dependence on paper money –
A Savings to the Ex-Chequer.
Second - to provide easy and flexible line of Credit to deserving people.
Third - to popularize the plastic money its credibility has been ensured.
Hence if accepted by a vendor for goods sold and or services rendered the vendor is assured of reimbursement without any delay or demur under all circumstances.
Insurance and similar services.
Insurance and similar such services are designed
First – to provide solace to the dependents of the Insured in case of calamities.
Second - to provide an avenue to save for the future.
Third - to avail the benefits offered by the Income Tax Authorities for such
Hence when a person go in for such Insurance and similar schemes his interest is the foremost and has to be protected first as the Insurance Companies are already protected well by various legislations.
SBI Card Vs Insurance
The Insurance service provider is well protected in case of non payment of premium, by the Policy Holder.
The Insured, the individual only has to pay his premium in time to protect his interests by keeping the policy in force.
Hence only the Insured is at the receiving end and when the Insured opts for the payment of any premium through any Credit Card only the Insured’s Mandate is Supreme and the Credit Card Service provider has an obligation only to the Insured and not to the Insurance Company as the Interest of the Insured is only at jeopardy in case of disputes and in no way the Insurance Company is put to any loss by non payment of premium. The Credit Card Service provider is to safeguard the Stake of the Insured only in such cases and not vice versa.
Now the rules governing the Credit Cards take care of the Insurance Companies only and do not accept the instructions of the Insured which is not fair as explained in the above paragraphs .
I request you, Sir to reconsider the present stand of the Credit Card Organisations and please reverse the situation to protect the interests of the Insured and not vice versa.
Thanking you, Sir,
I remain,
Yours truly,
E.V.S. Aranganathan.
Getting Connected
Dear Ones
I love meeting people
Getting connected helps one to learn and make life more rewarding
Linked In provides that opportunity
I make use of that
Wishing YOU All the Best in Life
With Best Wishes
Aranganathan EVS
I love meeting people
Getting connected helps one to learn and make life more rewarding
Linked In provides that opportunity
I make use of that
Wishing YOU All the Best in Life
With Best Wishes
Aranganathan EVS
About Everything
1.Enjoy doing things
Many people get tired after a day's hard work.
They feel tired and looks haggard wishing to relax & rest
I was a Branch Manager in State Bank of India and that too in a difficult branch - termed difficult because the staff are not willing workers and there were too many hurdles both internally and externally in running the branch smoothly.
But every evening people used to wonder when they looked at me.
After full day's demanding work I used to be fresh, beaming and very happy.
Because I enjoyed my work.
I saw satisfied customers leaving the branch happily and thanking me for the service.
I was happy with the turnover of the work that was completed that day successfully
Thus if you enjoy doing certain things even though it may be difficult and demanding after completing it you will remain happy, relaxed and filled with joy.
Enjoy doing your work and make it easier and enjoyable using your efficiency and imagination
Wish YOU a Happy Work Life
2.Accidents - Automobiles
Apart from mechanical failures accidents occur due to human behaviours.
When two fools meet on the road often accident occurs.
At times when one fellow is OK if the other fellow happens to be big fool then also at times accidents occur.
Accident is caused due to the following constraints also
a) Space Constraint
b) Time Constraint etc.,
Driving is anticipation
Anticipate things and concentrate on driving and keep your mind off to other things
Otherwise engage a good driver
One should anticipate that the other person may go wrong and take precautions while driving to avoid accidents
Always increase speed only up to the level which you can control i.e., everyone is capable of having control over the vehicle he/she drives only up to certain speed level. That one should find our oneself and restraint oneself without exceeding that level always.
Wish YOU a Happy Driving
3.Enjoy Travel
After a travel whether it is short or long many people become bored and tired and are happy to get down from the vehicle they are travelling in.
It is because they don't how to enjoy a travel
I thoroughly enjoy every travel and find enough time to think about everything on the earth.
Here are the tips:
A vehicle is a moving body and is not a chair, stable and fixed.
Here Newton's theory of motion has to be learn t and remembered.
This will help one to sit as if one is sitting on a horseback and adjust oneself to that requirement
This attitude will help you relax and will not result in back ache and strained spine and neck pain after a travel
More over while you travel learn to think - think of at least good & happy event in your life so that you will enjoy the travel and not get bored.
Watching the landscape, the natural beauty, the buildings the people inside & outside the vehicle with a curiosity will make you more knowledgeable and also relaxed making the journey happy, relaxed and enjoyable.
Wish YOU a Happy Journey Always
Many people get tired after a day's hard work.
They feel tired and looks haggard wishing to relax & rest
I was a Branch Manager in State Bank of India and that too in a difficult branch - termed difficult because the staff are not willing workers and there were too many hurdles both internally and externally in running the branch smoothly.
But every evening people used to wonder when they looked at me.
After full day's demanding work I used to be fresh, beaming and very happy.
Because I enjoyed my work.
I saw satisfied customers leaving the branch happily and thanking me for the service.
I was happy with the turnover of the work that was completed that day successfully
Thus if you enjoy doing certain things even though it may be difficult and demanding after completing it you will remain happy, relaxed and filled with joy.
Enjoy doing your work and make it easier and enjoyable using your efficiency and imagination
Wish YOU a Happy Work Life
2.Accidents - Automobiles
Apart from mechanical failures accidents occur due to human behaviours.
When two fools meet on the road often accident occurs.
At times when one fellow is OK if the other fellow happens to be big fool then also at times accidents occur.
Accident is caused due to the following constraints also
a) Space Constraint
b) Time Constraint etc.,
Driving is anticipation
Anticipate things and concentrate on driving and keep your mind off to other things
Otherwise engage a good driver
One should anticipate that the other person may go wrong and take precautions while driving to avoid accidents
Always increase speed only up to the level which you can control i.e., everyone is capable of having control over the vehicle he/she drives only up to certain speed level. That one should find our oneself and restraint oneself without exceeding that level always.
Wish YOU a Happy Driving
3.Enjoy Travel
After a travel whether it is short or long many people become bored and tired and are happy to get down from the vehicle they are travelling in.
It is because they don't how to enjoy a travel
I thoroughly enjoy every travel and find enough time to think about everything on the earth.
Here are the tips:
A vehicle is a moving body and is not a chair, stable and fixed.
Here Newton's theory of motion has to be learn t and remembered.
This will help one to sit as if one is sitting on a horseback and adjust oneself to that requirement
This attitude will help you relax and will not result in back ache and strained spine and neck pain after a travel
More over while you travel learn to think - think of at least good & happy event in your life so that you will enjoy the travel and not get bored.
Watching the landscape, the natural beauty, the buildings the people inside & outside the vehicle with a curiosity will make you more knowledgeable and also relaxed making the journey happy, relaxed and enjoyable.
Wish YOU a Happy Journey Always
My Hobby
My hobby is Thinking
Whenever I get spare time and mostly whenever I travel I used to think on some thing or other
And discussions on the various groups in Linked In kindle my thought process and I indulge in thinking
Thank YOU Linked In
Whenever I get spare time and mostly whenever I travel I used to think on some thing or other
And discussions on the various groups in Linked In kindle my thought process and I indulge in thinking
Thank YOU Linked In
Mini Profile
Name: E.V.S.Aranganathan
I work as : A Freelance Management Consultant
Services that I can offer: Teach Man Management techniques , Provide tips on how to make one self happy
Goal in life: Until death learn, learn and share knowledge with others
Help to other Members: Willing to network and share knowledge and answer any queries for which I may have an answer
I welcome everyone to get connected with me
With Best Wishes
Aranganathan EVS
I work as : A Freelance Management Consultant
Services that I can offer: Teach Man Management techniques , Provide tips on how to make one self happy
Goal in life: Until death learn, learn and share knowledge with others
Help to other Members: Willing to network and share knowledge and answer any queries for which I may have an answer
I welcome everyone to get connected with me
With Best Wishes
Aranganathan EVS
Crime Prevention
The mod us operand i of persons who wish to loot careless householders is given below
Sometime back two young persons carrying 2 or 3 costly carpets on a tricycle went around streets where only middle class people lived and under the guise of selling visited every house and flats checking the security measures available there so that they can plan their operations
Even when many told that they do not want any carpet they were forcibly requested to at least see the carpet and were told that they need not buy.
Thus they gain entry into various houses to inspect the contents and study the behavioral patterns of the inmates to improve their operational skills and to select their victims
A strict refusal to entertain such culprits and also warning the nearest police station about their loitering aimlessly in the area will deter them from conducting their study of possible locations for theft
Sometime back two young persons carrying 2 or 3 costly carpets on a tricycle went around streets where only middle class people lived and under the guise of selling visited every house and flats checking the security measures available there so that they can plan their operations
Even when many told that they do not want any carpet they were forcibly requested to at least see the carpet and were told that they need not buy.
Thus they gain entry into various houses to inspect the contents and study the behavioral patterns of the inmates to improve their operational skills and to select their victims
A strict refusal to entertain such culprits and also warning the nearest police station about their loitering aimlessly in the area will deter them from conducting their study of possible locations for theft
• Handling Complaints
Whenever a mistake happens
First acknowledge it
Hear with patience and empathy
Study remedies and make relevant compensation
Make efforts to avoid recurrence of the same in future
That is good marketing
First acknowledge it
Hear with patience and empathy
Study remedies and make relevant compensation
Make efforts to avoid recurrence of the same in future
That is good marketing
The use of Notes
Taking notes - the habit of writing down details
When one writes, it adds value to the information and helps as a record for implementation, follow up and for future authentic ready reference also.
When it is conveyed to some other person for implementation, follow up then also writing helps clarity of information and ensures that correct message is passed on
Even when one has a lot of work to do then reducing them in writing relieves that person mentally and ensures completion of the whole task
It is a form of relaxation as well to the busy mind
All the Best
When one writes, it adds value to the information and helps as a record for implementation, follow up and for future authentic ready reference also.
When it is conveyed to some other person for implementation, follow up then also writing helps clarity of information and ensures that correct message is passed on
Even when one has a lot of work to do then reducing them in writing relieves that person mentally and ensures completion of the whole task
It is a form of relaxation as well to the busy mind
All the Best
Learn about spam
Beware of spam mails which are at times sent in the names of your close and near ones
Some spams are generated using the e mail ids of your friends and relatives
Consult, discuss and discard invitations sent through spams
All the best
Beware of spam mails which are at times sent in the names of your close and near ones
Some spams are generated using the e mail ids of your friends and relatives
Consult, discuss and discard invitations sent through spams
All the best
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Trickster - I am duped to day Thank God but with no Loss
All those who go against the laid down rules and laws are rebels
Only those with Knowledge, Strength, Efficiency and Guts can become rebels
Because their talents were not properly utilized by the society they use them against the society with ease
I visited my Bank Branch ATM today
There were two ATMs in the room
The one on the extreme right is usually preferred by me as it is fast and is a new one
Both became empty one by one
A well dressed decent looking medium aged man who was in the queue in front of me entered the ATM room first and went to the extreme right placed ATM
Then I entered the room
And eyed the machine - my favorite one at the extreme right before which he was standing
He immediately offered that machine and requested me to use that machine
I swiped my card and before proceeding further he in a voice that mesmerized me asked to used the other machine as this one has no print out paper
And under the influence of his speech without thinking I moved to the second machine and started transacting
And that person continued in that machine
Later I found that he has used my log in operation and was trying to operate my account by stealthily trying to find out my secret number
Luckily he could not decipher it as I have been quick with my fingers and after failing with three trials he left dissappointed
My card was blocked for 24 hours
Hence hereafter do not hear others' words when you operate ATM or move away from that machine without canceling your earlier operations
Once you swipe your card you can operate simultaneously from any number of ATM s
Even though I am a trained Banker and my instinct was warning me that something is wrong somewhere I could not prevent the incident
But I could after sometime find out the whole execution of the master plan by the trickster
He also blocked the ATM camera with a paper
Hence do not accept such benevolent offers from strangers and ask them to finish their transaction first and then only go in for your transactions
Constant alertness awareness and cautious vigil always is required nowadays when you are dealing with money daily
All the Best
Only those with Knowledge, Strength, Efficiency and Guts can become rebels
Because their talents were not properly utilized by the society they use them against the society with ease
I visited my Bank Branch ATM today
There were two ATMs in the room
The one on the extreme right is usually preferred by me as it is fast and is a new one
Both became empty one by one
A well dressed decent looking medium aged man who was in the queue in front of me entered the ATM room first and went to the extreme right placed ATM
Then I entered the room
And eyed the machine - my favorite one at the extreme right before which he was standing
He immediately offered that machine and requested me to use that machine
I swiped my card and before proceeding further he in a voice that mesmerized me asked to used the other machine as this one has no print out paper
And under the influence of his speech without thinking I moved to the second machine and started transacting
And that person continued in that machine
Later I found that he has used my log in operation and was trying to operate my account by stealthily trying to find out my secret number
Luckily he could not decipher it as I have been quick with my fingers and after failing with three trials he left dissappointed
My card was blocked for 24 hours
Hence hereafter do not hear others' words when you operate ATM or move away from that machine without canceling your earlier operations
Once you swipe your card you can operate simultaneously from any number of ATM s
Even though I am a trained Banker and my instinct was warning me that something is wrong somewhere I could not prevent the incident
But I could after sometime find out the whole execution of the master plan by the trickster
He also blocked the ATM camera with a paper
Hence do not accept such benevolent offers from strangers and ask them to finish their transaction first and then only go in for your transactions
Constant alertness awareness and cautious vigil always is required nowadays when you are dealing with money daily
All the Best
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
An Opening
Age 16
Father is a representative of a very big business organization – always busy – going places always
Only son
Mother’s undue extraordinary love and affection
He became a spoilt child and developed all bad habits
The father became dejected on seeing his son’s plight got vexed and admitted him in a college in a nearby town
Good company always benefit every one
The father remembered his friend’s son working there in that town
That young man was living on a natural diet and was employed in a Bank
He was different from all employees and those living around him with a different life style
He was 20
Both 20 & 16 lived together in a room
20 loved that boy because he was his father’s friend’s son
16 wondered how a 20 can live like this after being employed and earning well in a Bank
Wonders happened
16 got bewildered on seeing and being with 20
16 thought – ‘why not I too follow this ?’
16 had a change of heart and all bad habits left him
But 16 could not succeed in his studies
As a new changed person 16 went back home
Those days employment opportunities were not many
16 could not remain idle
16 did not want to go back to his old friends or continue his old bad habits
So 16 went to his father’s friend
16’s father’s friend was having a small cycle shop hiring cycles on an hourly and daily basis
16 worked there without any remuneration to spend time usefully
16 was provided with daily tea twice by his father’s friend
16 was very happy with this job as he is useful to someone
One day a sales representative who usually takes a cycle in that shop asked 16 to name some one who can accompany him in his sales endeavours since the usual boy who used to accompany him did not come that day
16 did not hesitate
16 got the permission to leave the job and joined that representative as his assistant immediately
After 2 days 16 represented the company in his town as the previous representative entrusted the job to
Him and went to look after the sales in another town
16 did his independent assignment so well that within 2 months another bigger company recruited him to be their representative
Soon 16 grew up in his career
Hard Sincere and Honest Work made 16 number one representative in his Organization
His willingness to go for a job with 2 teas a day – his sincere participation in that work made 16 what he is today
A top number one representative of the organization in the whole State with a decent pay and respect
All the Best
Father is a representative of a very big business organization – always busy – going places always
Only son
Mother’s undue extraordinary love and affection
He became a spoilt child and developed all bad habits
The father became dejected on seeing his son’s plight got vexed and admitted him in a college in a nearby town
Good company always benefit every one
The father remembered his friend’s son working there in that town
That young man was living on a natural diet and was employed in a Bank
He was different from all employees and those living around him with a different life style
He was 20
Both 20 & 16 lived together in a room
20 loved that boy because he was his father’s friend’s son
16 wondered how a 20 can live like this after being employed and earning well in a Bank
Wonders happened
16 got bewildered on seeing and being with 20
16 thought – ‘why not I too follow this ?’
16 had a change of heart and all bad habits left him
But 16 could not succeed in his studies
As a new changed person 16 went back home
Those days employment opportunities were not many
16 could not remain idle
16 did not want to go back to his old friends or continue his old bad habits
So 16 went to his father’s friend
16’s father’s friend was having a small cycle shop hiring cycles on an hourly and daily basis
16 worked there without any remuneration to spend time usefully
16 was provided with daily tea twice by his father’s friend
16 was very happy with this job as he is useful to someone
One day a sales representative who usually takes a cycle in that shop asked 16 to name some one who can accompany him in his sales endeavours since the usual boy who used to accompany him did not come that day
16 did not hesitate
16 got the permission to leave the job and joined that representative as his assistant immediately
After 2 days 16 represented the company in his town as the previous representative entrusted the job to
Him and went to look after the sales in another town
16 did his independent assignment so well that within 2 months another bigger company recruited him to be their representative
Soon 16 grew up in his career
Hard Sincere and Honest Work made 16 number one representative in his Organization
His willingness to go for a job with 2 teas a day – his sincere participation in that work made 16 what he is today
A top number one representative of the organization in the whole State with a decent pay and respect
All the Best
Adults ONLY
A Pleasant Morning
There was no traffic in that small road in that tiny village
Life’s sounds were heard from the houses on both side of the road in various dimensions
I was riding a two wheeler
I was in a happy mood
Suddenly a hen coming out of a house hurriedly crossed the road in front of my vehicle as they usually do
I stopped the byke immediately
The hen escaped unhurt and was alive
At that time a beautiful girl came running from that house chasing the hen
She stopped with a jerk on seeing me and my byke
She had an excellent shape – a real beauty
But her clothes were in disarray
After a pause, she smiled at me
She looked at me with love
But I could not face her and went my away
Two days passed away
Again I had to go through the same road
I came to the place where she lives
With out any control involuntarily my eyes looked towards the front door of her house
With the same love in her eyes she was standing there looking at me
I lowered my eyes and immediately left the place
She found who I am
I too
She is the local prostitute
After that whenever I went that way
She stopped my byke and spoke nicely inviting me to her house
But I kept silent always and moved away ignoring her invitations
For some time I could not see her and she went out of my sight and mind
I almost forgot her
More than a year went by
There was no traffic in that small road in that tiny village
Life’s sounds were heard from the houses on both side of the road in various dimensions
I was riding a two wheeler
I was in a happy mood
Suddenly a hen coming out of a house hurriedly crossed the road in front of my vehicle as they usually do
I stopped the byke immediately
The hen escaped unhurt and was alive
At that time a beautiful girl came running from that house chasing the hen
She stopped with a jerk on seeing me and my byke
She had an excellent shape – a real beauty
But her clothes were in disarray
After a pause, she smiled at me
She looked at me with love
But I could not face her and went my away
Two days passed away
Again I had to go through the same road
I came to the place where she lives
With out any control involuntarily my eyes looked towards the front door of her house
With the same love in her eyes she was standing there looking at me
I lowered my eyes and immediately left the place
She found who I am
I too
She is the local prostitute
After that whenever I went that way
She stopped my byke and spoke nicely inviting me to her house
But I kept silent always and moved away ignoring her invitations
For some time I could not see her and she went out of my sight and mind
I almost forgot her
More than a year went by
My Dog and Me
Early Morning
I came out of my house to take the Newspaper thrown into the compound of my house by the newspaper boy
A mild sound was heard by me
I looked at the direction from where the sound came
Behind the bushes a small puppy was hiding itself
A beautiful white puppy
Hi Puppy - Papa shall we keep this puppy
My young son's happy voice was heard behind me
Good Food
Loving Care
Soon the puppy grew into a big Dog
It barked loud and wagging its tail went round the house happily
One day I was talking to my friends in the garden
While talking suddenly I stepped back
A sharp barking sound
And I felt a sharp pain in my leg
Yes I have stepped on my dog who was lying behind me by mistake as I have not noticed it earlier
The dog unable to bear the sudden pain has barked and bitten me without any intention involuntarily
I had my bloody wound cleaned and had treatment from my family Doctor
But until my wound was healed the dog feeling very guilty did not eat properly and felt very unhappy
I hugged it with understanding
Unable to bear a pain and that too a sudden unexpected severe pain has made it to bite invouluntarily
And that is the habit of animals
They cannot bear a pain
So they bark and bite automatically without control
That is animal instinct
I too behaved like a dog
From the morning I had a burning sensation intolerable pain due to a swelling due to heat in the anus, a stage prior to piles
A burning pain as if I have been torched with a fire
Continuous burning
Unable to bear
Could not even sit properly
And I had more work to do in the Office that day
I could not take any leave also
I felt very angry and irritated
I could not face any one with out anger or irritation
I could not be my normal self
I could hear the conversation between two of my customers outside the Banking Hall
Why Sir is barking like a dog today so irritated and angry
The words immediately pierced me
I came to my senses
Yes what is the difference between me and my dog
Am I not a Human Being
Can I behave like an animal ?
If I behave like an animal then I am also another animal only
I am not an animal
I am a Human Being
I will live and behave like a Human Being
I again became a Human Being
The swelling became bigger
The burning sensation has increased manifold
It became unbearable
Then I realised
I am not this body
God I am only an Atman - a Spirit
Not this physical body
This is not my body
I have no connection with this body
God let this body suffer with the burning sensation
Let this body suffer the pain
I am not going to think of it
I am not going to give it any importance
God until YOU cure it YOURSELF I am not going to consider it as a suffering
I will only take medication but will not worry about this suffering
Because I am a Human Being
And not an animal
I will suffer my pains
And I will not impose my sufferings on others
It is my pain
I have to bear it
And I will not share it with others
I am here in service to only serve others with a smile
That is why YOU have given me this Birth and this Job
I will not betray the belief YOU have on me
I will honor YOUR Confidence in me
I will not share my personal sufferings with others and that too in my office
Because I am a Human Being and not an animal
Only an animal will pass on its sufferings to others
And in suffering will harm others without any control
The body was burning in pain - severe pain
But I smiled and with a happy face continued my work as usual
Every body around me also became happy and the whole atmosphere was full of happiness
And in that happy mood I could tolerate my pain and the burning sensation better and could do my work forgetting the pain
Within two, three day I became normal with the swelling subsiding and the pain stopped
I became alright
God Thank YOU Lord My Master
Most of the people whom you meet daily with an angry face or with an irritated temper suffer with some or other ailment both mental and physical. Poor things. Please forgive them.
I came out of my house to take the Newspaper thrown into the compound of my house by the newspaper boy
A mild sound was heard by me
I looked at the direction from where the sound came
Behind the bushes a small puppy was hiding itself
A beautiful white puppy
Hi Puppy - Papa shall we keep this puppy
My young son's happy voice was heard behind me
Good Food
Loving Care
Soon the puppy grew into a big Dog
It barked loud and wagging its tail went round the house happily
One day I was talking to my friends in the garden
While talking suddenly I stepped back
A sharp barking sound
And I felt a sharp pain in my leg
Yes I have stepped on my dog who was lying behind me by mistake as I have not noticed it earlier
The dog unable to bear the sudden pain has barked and bitten me without any intention involuntarily
I had my bloody wound cleaned and had treatment from my family Doctor
But until my wound was healed the dog feeling very guilty did not eat properly and felt very unhappy
I hugged it with understanding
Unable to bear a pain and that too a sudden unexpected severe pain has made it to bite invouluntarily
And that is the habit of animals
They cannot bear a pain
So they bark and bite automatically without control
That is animal instinct
I too behaved like a dog
From the morning I had a burning sensation intolerable pain due to a swelling due to heat in the anus, a stage prior to piles
A burning pain as if I have been torched with a fire
Continuous burning
Unable to bear
Could not even sit properly
And I had more work to do in the Office that day
I could not take any leave also
I felt very angry and irritated
I could not face any one with out anger or irritation
I could not be my normal self
I could hear the conversation between two of my customers outside the Banking Hall
Why Sir is barking like a dog today so irritated and angry
The words immediately pierced me
I came to my senses
Yes what is the difference between me and my dog
Am I not a Human Being
Can I behave like an animal ?
If I behave like an animal then I am also another animal only
I am not an animal
I am a Human Being
I will live and behave like a Human Being
I again became a Human Being
The swelling became bigger
The burning sensation has increased manifold
It became unbearable
Then I realised
I am not this body
God I am only an Atman - a Spirit
Not this physical body
This is not my body
I have no connection with this body
God let this body suffer with the burning sensation
Let this body suffer the pain
I am not going to think of it
I am not going to give it any importance
God until YOU cure it YOURSELF I am not going to consider it as a suffering
I will only take medication but will not worry about this suffering
Because I am a Human Being
And not an animal
I will suffer my pains
And I will not impose my sufferings on others
It is my pain
I have to bear it
And I will not share it with others
I am here in service to only serve others with a smile
That is why YOU have given me this Birth and this Job
I will not betray the belief YOU have on me
I will honor YOUR Confidence in me
I will not share my personal sufferings with others and that too in my office
Because I am a Human Being and not an animal
Only an animal will pass on its sufferings to others
And in suffering will harm others without any control
The body was burning in pain - severe pain
But I smiled and with a happy face continued my work as usual
Every body around me also became happy and the whole atmosphere was full of happiness
And in that happy mood I could tolerate my pain and the burning sensation better and could do my work forgetting the pain
Within two, three day I became normal with the swelling subsiding and the pain stopped
I became alright
God Thank YOU Lord My Master
Most of the people whom you meet daily with an angry face or with an irritated temper suffer with some or other ailment both mental and physical. Poor things. Please forgive them.
• Everything starts from and with 'I' only
I am
My Self
My Family
My Friends who share my Thoughts
My Relatives
My Community People
My Language Speaking People (Tamil)
My State People (Tamil Nadu)
My Country Men (INdia)
My Fellow Human Beings who live in this World
All other Living Beings & Non Living Things
I Love, Respect and Attach Myself towards all the above to the extent required by Nature
And I treat all the above equally as a true righteous person
And this is the way One should have attachment towards all the above
Nothing more or nothing less than is necessary for a true living person
I consider all the above equally as I would consider myself
This is Truth
Absolute Truth
All the Best
I am
My Self
My Family
My Friends who share my Thoughts
My Relatives
My Community People
My Language Speaking People (Tamil)
My State People (Tamil Nadu)
My Country Men (INdia)
My Fellow Human Beings who live in this World
All other Living Beings & Non Living Things
I Love, Respect and Attach Myself towards all the above to the extent required by Nature
And I treat all the above equally as a true righteous person
And this is the way One should have attachment towards all the above
Nothing more or nothing less than is necessary for a true living person
I consider all the above equally as I would consider myself
This is Truth
Absolute Truth
All the Best
Monday, February 14, 2011
e marketing
With Globalization the whole world has shrunk to the size of a small village through technological advancement.
Marketing has become so complex and one has to reach the whole world the solution remains in only using the latest soft wares including Marketing soft wares to cope up with the need for one's operations globally.
The improved tools result in improved operational efficiency yielding the right results
With Best Wishes
Marketing has become so complex and one has to reach the whole world the solution remains in only using the latest soft wares including Marketing soft wares to cope up with the need for one's operations globally.
The improved tools result in improved operational efficiency yielding the right results
With Best Wishes
Negative Marketing
It was long time back when mobile phones were introduced and spread.
I happened to get one Hutch now Vodafone sim card.
In the hurry of daily chores I forgot to top up my balance in the sim card.
When I tried to make an important call a sweet voiced female mildly laughed (she tries to be polite) and in a happy voice declared that I have a low balance and cannot complete that call.
The actual marketing strategy would be that she should politely apologize and gently inform me that I should immediately top up my balance in the sim card before proceeding with the call.
But the laughter which would have gone well if it were to wish me a happy birth day or some happy thing like that and the voice in which she conveyed the position irritated me so much that immediately I removed & threw that Hutch sim card and switched to some other operator the same day.
This is negative marketing.
The tone, the gesture and the way you convey good & difficult things to a customer go a long way in ensuing the continuity of the customer's loyalty to one's product & organization.
With Best Wishes
Mere MBA degrees will not teach such nuances but experience also adds some weight to your actions
All the Best
I happened to get one Hutch now Vodafone sim card.
In the hurry of daily chores I forgot to top up my balance in the sim card.
When I tried to make an important call a sweet voiced female mildly laughed (she tries to be polite) and in a happy voice declared that I have a low balance and cannot complete that call.
The actual marketing strategy would be that she should politely apologize and gently inform me that I should immediately top up my balance in the sim card before proceeding with the call.
But the laughter which would have gone well if it were to wish me a happy birth day or some happy thing like that and the voice in which she conveyed the position irritated me so much that immediately I removed & threw that Hutch sim card and switched to some other operator the same day.
This is negative marketing.
The tone, the gesture and the way you convey good & difficult things to a customer go a long way in ensuing the continuity of the customer's loyalty to one's product & organization.
With Best Wishes
Mere MBA degrees will not teach such nuances but experience also adds some weight to your actions
All the Best
Friday, February 11, 2011
Fasting & Natural Diet
I had the privilege of fasting with water, tender coconut water and fruit juices for about three months under the supervision of my most Respectable Guru Mr. M.K. Pandurangam of Kaladipet, Tiruvottiyur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India when I was 27 years old
Thereafter I lived for about a year on only ripe coconut, fruits & buttermilk. Occasionally I added fresh groundnuts, sugarcane juice and sesame in my diet.
I gained weight as I was underweight earlier
Required sleep only for half an hour a day but remained very active and vibrant
My memory power increased
My face was shining bright and glowing with health
My daily expenses for food became negligible
I remained healthy throughout that period without any headaches, colds etc..
The general health was excellent
But I lost social life
All my elder relatives and friends found it difficult to entertain me in their house and I was a misfit in gatherings and marriage and other functions
So I had to revert back to normal food
But while fasting one has to take rest, complete rest, remain silent as far as possible until one regains full strength during fasting as initially one will become weak and in due course of fasting will improve in health slowly and steadily
All the Best
Thereafter I lived for about a year on only ripe coconut, fruits & buttermilk. Occasionally I added fresh groundnuts, sugarcane juice and sesame in my diet.
I gained weight as I was underweight earlier
Required sleep only for half an hour a day but remained very active and vibrant
My memory power increased
My face was shining bright and glowing with health
My daily expenses for food became negligible
I remained healthy throughout that period without any headaches, colds etc..
The general health was excellent
But I lost social life
All my elder relatives and friends found it difficult to entertain me in their house and I was a misfit in gatherings and marriage and other functions
So I had to revert back to normal food
But while fasting one has to take rest, complete rest, remain silent as far as possible until one regains full strength during fasting as initially one will become weak and in due course of fasting will improve in health slowly and steadily
All the Best
Hunger Vs Fasting
Remaining Hungry is different from Fasting
Hunger makes one weak and leads to death in case of neglect
Fasting if done on scientific lines makes one strong and healthy
But during Fasting one should remain silent and reduce talking as much as possible to conserve energy
All the Best
Hunger makes one weak and leads to death in case of neglect
Fasting if done on scientific lines makes one strong and healthy
But during Fasting one should remain silent and reduce talking as much as possible to conserve energy
All the Best
Make LEMS - Make Life Enjoyable, Meaningful & Successful
Knowledge, Clear Vision, Wisdom, Honesty, Sincerity, Correct Decision Making, Ruthless Implementation, Hard Work, Continuous Learning, Required Flexibility, Empathy and a bit of Luck or God's Grace as one may call it makes one Successful in Life
It makes Life also Enjoyable and Meaningful
With Best Wishes
It makes Life also Enjoyable and Meaningful
With Best Wishes
Man Management - Training & Development
To start and build an empire is a Herculean task
Then to spread, expand and stand in the field is a Himalayan Task
The Management has to think proactively to keep up the morale of the workforce to survive and sustain its growth to achieve success with continuity and longevity
Here comes the need for training and development of the Human Beings
The importance and value of a Trainer is in keeping the flag flying High in the Organization always
May the tribe of Genuine & Efficient Trainers Increase
Best Wishes
Then to spread, expand and stand in the field is a Himalayan Task
The Management has to think proactively to keep up the morale of the workforce to survive and sustain its growth to achieve success with continuity and longevity
Here comes the need for training and development of the Human Beings
The importance and value of a Trainer is in keeping the flag flying High in the Organization always
May the tribe of Genuine & Efficient Trainers Increase
Best Wishes
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Fox & a Crow with Ten Masal Vadas
Once a crow stole a bag of ten masal vadas from a small boy carrying the vadas from the shop to his home.
It sat on a tree and started day dreaming as to how the vadas will be tasty and how he can enjoy the whole treat all by itself
Suddenly its dream was interrupted by a harsh voice
The crow opened its eyes and to its dismay saw a hungry mean looking fox standing below the tree and looking up at the crow
The crow demanded what the fox was doing down right under its nose
The fox became very submissive and politely replied that the sweet smell of the vadas brought it under the tree
And he began begging the crow stating that he can never get such vadas in his life time and requested the crow to give him only one vada for him to taste
The crow looked at the helpless fox and threw one vada down to the fox hoping that the fox will go away
The crow wanted to be alone to eat and enjoy the vadas
The fox was intruding into its privacy
But the fox slowly ate the vada enjoying its taste in full
Then he lifted his head and thanked the crow for this generosity
The crow wished that the fox will go away immediately
To the contrary the fox remained where he stayed and looking up at the crow started begging
He told the crow how the vada was very sweet and slowly added that the crow may give the fox one more vada as the first vada has kindled his appetite
He repeated his request with great praise for the crow's culture of sharing its loot with its fraternity
The crow not knowing what to do threw one more vada to get rid of this nuisnace
The fox ate that vada also relishing its taste
Then looked up at the crow thanking profusely told the crow that one more vada will help him to satisfy his craving for this vada
The crow growing impatient threw another vada down
The fox ate the third vada also with great happiness
Then slowly he started addressing the crow saying that the crow can give him one more vada making it to four and the crow can eat the remaining vadas
The crow became restless and with hesitation threw the fourth vada also to the fox
The fox ate that vada also
He started explaining to the crow that as they are now friends and as there were ten vadas originally each can have five vadas equally
The crow became annoyed but not knowing any other way out threw the fifth vada down
The fox ate the fifth vada
Now the happy fox was very grateful to the crow and it declared that the crow is a very magnanimous person and very reasonable
He demanded that as he is very big in size, bigger than the crow, the crow can reasonably divide the ten vadas into six and four and be fair in its deal
The angry crow threw the six vada to the fox
The fox ate it too and bargained that the crow being very small can do with just three vadas whereas due to his size he may be given the seventh vada like a gentleman
The crow lost its senses and in despair threw the seventh vada also down
The fox ate the seventh vada
He looked at the crow searchingly and finally informed the crow that the crow can have two vadas and give only one vada to the fox
The crow became mad with the arguments of the fox and threw one more vada to the fox
The eighth vada was also consumed by the fox
The fox started arguing that there are only two vadas remaining and it is only fair to share it equally among the two as they are very good friends
The ninth vada also has gone into the stomach of the fox
The fully satisfied fox thanked the crow profusely for its kindness
He added that the crow can at any time get such good vadas but that the fox can never dream of getting such vadas in its life time
He openly proclaimed what the crow will do with one vada when he has willingly given nine vadas to a friend
And the provoked crow wept and in bitterness threw the last vada also and flew away
The sweet tongued fox had the tenth vada also
Now please tell me few morals from this story after reading it again
Thank YOU
It sat on a tree and started day dreaming as to how the vadas will be tasty and how he can enjoy the whole treat all by itself
Suddenly its dream was interrupted by a harsh voice
The crow opened its eyes and to its dismay saw a hungry mean looking fox standing below the tree and looking up at the crow
The crow demanded what the fox was doing down right under its nose
The fox became very submissive and politely replied that the sweet smell of the vadas brought it under the tree
And he began begging the crow stating that he can never get such vadas in his life time and requested the crow to give him only one vada for him to taste
The crow looked at the helpless fox and threw one vada down to the fox hoping that the fox will go away
The crow wanted to be alone to eat and enjoy the vadas
The fox was intruding into its privacy
But the fox slowly ate the vada enjoying its taste in full
Then he lifted his head and thanked the crow for this generosity
The crow wished that the fox will go away immediately
To the contrary the fox remained where he stayed and looking up at the crow started begging
He told the crow how the vada was very sweet and slowly added that the crow may give the fox one more vada as the first vada has kindled his appetite
He repeated his request with great praise for the crow's culture of sharing its loot with its fraternity
The crow not knowing what to do threw one more vada to get rid of this nuisnace
The fox ate that vada also relishing its taste
Then looked up at the crow thanking profusely told the crow that one more vada will help him to satisfy his craving for this vada
The crow growing impatient threw another vada down
The fox ate the third vada also with great happiness
Then slowly he started addressing the crow saying that the crow can give him one more vada making it to four and the crow can eat the remaining vadas
The crow became restless and with hesitation threw the fourth vada also to the fox
The fox ate that vada also
He started explaining to the crow that as they are now friends and as there were ten vadas originally each can have five vadas equally
The crow became annoyed but not knowing any other way out threw the fifth vada down
The fox ate the fifth vada
Now the happy fox was very grateful to the crow and it declared that the crow is a very magnanimous person and very reasonable
He demanded that as he is very big in size, bigger than the crow, the crow can reasonably divide the ten vadas into six and four and be fair in its deal
The angry crow threw the six vada to the fox
The fox ate it too and bargained that the crow being very small can do with just three vadas whereas due to his size he may be given the seventh vada like a gentleman
The crow lost its senses and in despair threw the seventh vada also down
The fox ate the seventh vada
He looked at the crow searchingly and finally informed the crow that the crow can have two vadas and give only one vada to the fox
The crow became mad with the arguments of the fox and threw one more vada to the fox
The eighth vada was also consumed by the fox
The fox started arguing that there are only two vadas remaining and it is only fair to share it equally among the two as they are very good friends
The ninth vada also has gone into the stomach of the fox
The fully satisfied fox thanked the crow profusely for its kindness
He added that the crow can at any time get such good vadas but that the fox can never dream of getting such vadas in its life time
He openly proclaimed what the crow will do with one vada when he has willingly given nine vadas to a friend
And the provoked crow wept and in bitterness threw the last vada also and flew away
The sweet tongued fox had the tenth vada also
Now please tell me few morals from this story after reading it again
Thank YOU
Knowledge Vs Wisdom
Things have changed over the years. In those days very few schools and colleges were there
Only limited number of persons had access even to basic education. But now schools & colleges are plenty in number spread everywhere across the country. Moreover we have distance education program mes to enable those who cannot devote their full time to attend educational institutions to acquire knowledge through various courses. This is an age of knowledge acquiring. If one has a will then that person can learn and acquire knowledge easily. Knowledge is Power.
With the invention of Internet the whole world has become a small village now. One can meet any person across the world anytime by a click of the mouse and chat, discuss, do business and learn anything and everything. We have conquered distance. Sitting in the comfort of one’s office or home one can do everything through Internet. Even complicated operations are being done in the field of medicine under the supervision of experts through Internet.
I recollect those days when one has to wait for hours and at times even days to get a phone call booked from a post office and speak to another person who is separated by a few hundred miles.
But now everyone carries a mobile and instantaneously contacts anyone, anywhere and at anytime across the globe. Technology has become affordable and has reached the common man.
The four lane roads connecting big cities have enabled us to conquer time and people move about faster and in more comfort nowadays.
With all these technological advancement we have become more knowledgeable and our level of awareness has increased.
But alas! life has become for everyone mechanical, machine like, faster and at times meaningless.
We feel that we have no more leisure time to live and enjoy life.
Learn, Earn but Plan to enjoy life with your Knowledge and Money.
And for this one needs Wisdom.
Knowledge without Wisdom is a Waste.
Wisdom guides one as to how the available Knowledge acquired should be used appropriately.
Life is to be Enjoyed
Life should be Meaningful
Life should be Successful
Use your Knowledge in the right way
What is Right ? Which is Right?
Whatever one can do openly, anytime, anywhere with one’s head held high is a right thing.
After doing a thing one should be able to own it, acknowledge to everybody openly that he/she only did that thing.
Such a thing is a Right thing.
Doing such a thing should be able to make one Happy, should be Beneficial to one and/or all directly and/or indirectly.
To see, select, analyze and do the right things one needs Wisdom.
Knowledge can be used to do both Good & Bad things.
When one does Good things – he or she makes others happy and that individual is also Happy.
Similarly when one does Bad things – he or she makes others unhappy and that individual also ends with unhappiness.
Wisdom comes through Introspection, Thinking and by consciously developing oneself to identify and separate the Good from the Bad.
Generally people do not think – they only worry.
By worrying one becomes more confused, indecisive and fail to solve any problem.
But by thinking one can arrive at a proper solution.
Wise People Think – Fools only Worry.
Think – Become Wise – Enjoy Life.
Life is to be Enjoyed.
Enjoyment should be always Permanent, Real and be able to enhance Happiness.
All the Best
Only limited number of persons had access even to basic education. But now schools & colleges are plenty in number spread everywhere across the country. Moreover we have distance education program mes to enable those who cannot devote their full time to attend educational institutions to acquire knowledge through various courses. This is an age of knowledge acquiring. If one has a will then that person can learn and acquire knowledge easily. Knowledge is Power.
With the invention of Internet the whole world has become a small village now. One can meet any person across the world anytime by a click of the mouse and chat, discuss, do business and learn anything and everything. We have conquered distance. Sitting in the comfort of one’s office or home one can do everything through Internet. Even complicated operations are being done in the field of medicine under the supervision of experts through Internet.
I recollect those days when one has to wait for hours and at times even days to get a phone call booked from a post office and speak to another person who is separated by a few hundred miles.
But now everyone carries a mobile and instantaneously contacts anyone, anywhere and at anytime across the globe. Technology has become affordable and has reached the common man.
The four lane roads connecting big cities have enabled us to conquer time and people move about faster and in more comfort nowadays.
With all these technological advancement we have become more knowledgeable and our level of awareness has increased.
But alas! life has become for everyone mechanical, machine like, faster and at times meaningless.
We feel that we have no more leisure time to live and enjoy life.
Learn, Earn but Plan to enjoy life with your Knowledge and Money.
And for this one needs Wisdom.
Knowledge without Wisdom is a Waste.
Wisdom guides one as to how the available Knowledge acquired should be used appropriately.
Life is to be Enjoyed
Life should be Meaningful
Life should be Successful
Use your Knowledge in the right way
What is Right ? Which is Right?
Whatever one can do openly, anytime, anywhere with one’s head held high is a right thing.
After doing a thing one should be able to own it, acknowledge to everybody openly that he/she only did that thing.
Such a thing is a Right thing.
Doing such a thing should be able to make one Happy, should be Beneficial to one and/or all directly and/or indirectly.
To see, select, analyze and do the right things one needs Wisdom.
Knowledge can be used to do both Good & Bad things.
When one does Good things – he or she makes others happy and that individual is also Happy.
Similarly when one does Bad things – he or she makes others unhappy and that individual also ends with unhappiness.
Wisdom comes through Introspection, Thinking and by consciously developing oneself to identify and separate the Good from the Bad.
Generally people do not think – they only worry.
By worrying one becomes more confused, indecisive and fail to solve any problem.
But by thinking one can arrive at a proper solution.
Wise People Think – Fools only Worry.
Think – Become Wise – Enjoy Life.
Life is to be Enjoyed.
Enjoyment should be always Permanent, Real and be able to enhance Happiness.
All the Best
Monday, January 17, 2011
Recruitment - Service Industries
God be with YOU
I never wish to defend the act of employees in general who fail to serve the customers connected with their Institutions
But the fault starts right from the recruitment level
Banks as well as Government Offices and other Service Industries are customer centric
Daily many people visit the Banks/Branches to transact various businesses
Various types of individuals come with different expectations and needs
The person on the other side of the desk must be a person with a flair for public relations - should be able to enjoy meeting people - should be equipped with the talents to have empathy towards his/her fellow human beings - and willing to realize the responsibility towards the customers and happy to serve them
But most of the people recruited in the Banks do not love meeting people as it requires a special talent and taste to do so effectively and also enjoy doing so
That is why they show irritation and make the customers unhappy and make themselves also unhappy
Hence Identifying the right type of people to serve in such service industries and recruiting them will help these institutions to serve better and grow
Another area is that the Management never encourages or rewards suitably those who serve the customers and there is no proper system to identify such employees and motivate them further to excel in customer service
Mostly such employees who go the extra mile to really serve the customers are isolated and neglected mostly by the Banks and at times by the Customers also except lip service done to please them at that moment and no real steps are taken to keep up their morale and help them continue their good work
This is the irony faced by many who sincerely do their duties in most of such institutions
The above observations hold good for Government both State & Central and other Service Industries also
People deposit their money in the Banks and withdraw it with difficulties
Here at least the money is coming back to the people
But the tax money paid which is also belonging to the people only is never returned back with the same fervor but looted away by corrupt officials and politicians routinely
The Government Offices are built employed and run only with public money collected as taxes but nobody questions there with the same tenor as they do in Banks
Where ever Customer Service suffers be it in Banks or in any other Institution including the Government Offices it should be vehemently condemned
May the tribe of Good Sincere Honest Polite employees increase
With Best Wishes
I never wish to defend the act of employees in general who fail to serve the customers connected with their Institutions
But the fault starts right from the recruitment level
Banks as well as Government Offices and other Service Industries are customer centric
Daily many people visit the Banks/Branches to transact various businesses
Various types of individuals come with different expectations and needs
The person on the other side of the desk must be a person with a flair for public relations - should be able to enjoy meeting people - should be equipped with the talents to have empathy towards his/her fellow human beings - and willing to realize the responsibility towards the customers and happy to serve them
But most of the people recruited in the Banks do not love meeting people as it requires a special talent and taste to do so effectively and also enjoy doing so
That is why they show irritation and make the customers unhappy and make themselves also unhappy
Hence Identifying the right type of people to serve in such service industries and recruiting them will help these institutions to serve better and grow
Another area is that the Management never encourages or rewards suitably those who serve the customers and there is no proper system to identify such employees and motivate them further to excel in customer service
Mostly such employees who go the extra mile to really serve the customers are isolated and neglected mostly by the Banks and at times by the Customers also except lip service done to please them at that moment and no real steps are taken to keep up their morale and help them continue their good work
This is the irony faced by many who sincerely do their duties in most of such institutions
The above observations hold good for Government both State & Central and other Service Industries also
People deposit their money in the Banks and withdraw it with difficulties
Here at least the money is coming back to the people
But the tax money paid which is also belonging to the people only is never returned back with the same fervor but looted away by corrupt officials and politicians routinely
The Government Offices are built employed and run only with public money collected as taxes but nobody questions there with the same tenor as they do in Banks
Where ever Customer Service suffers be it in Banks or in any other Institution including the Government Offices it should be vehemently condemned
May the tribe of Good Sincere Honest Polite employees increase
With Best Wishes
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Pongal Festival - Some Stray Thoughts
Pongal Season is celebrated by all with JOY and Happiness
But What is the Truth ?
People are leaving Agriculture Sector in thousands every Year to work as labourers in Cities
Power supply is given to the villages to water the fields during odd hours while in cities power is wasted in Big Malls - Shopping Centres and Unproductive Offices during the crucial time of early Morning and Evening
The yield from Agriculture is not commensurate to the efforts put in
Slowly educated persons willing to live in villages are taking over agricultural operations with the help of Machines
That is the only good thing about the present scenario in the Agricultural Sector
Any Comments
But What is the Truth ?
People are leaving Agriculture Sector in thousands every Year to work as labourers in Cities
Power supply is given to the villages to water the fields during odd hours while in cities power is wasted in Big Malls - Shopping Centres and Unproductive Offices during the crucial time of early Morning and Evening
The yield from Agriculture is not commensurate to the efforts put in
Slowly educated persons willing to live in villages are taking over agricultural operations with the help of Machines
That is the only good thing about the present scenario in the Agricultural Sector
Any Comments
Customer Service - Banking
Banking & Customer Service
Innovative approach to delight customers
Banking is a Service Organisation
Understanding the Customer's needs and delivering the results in time is the essence of making them happy and loyal to the Bank
Sincerity in approach, Knowledge to come to grips of the situation and the problem faced by the Customer and providing solution immediately are some of the tactics to keep up the morale of the customer very High
Study the situation tell the Customer whether You can solve the problem or not then and there
If you can solve it then tell the customer the time duration you need to do it or if you cannot provide a solution then frankly admit your inability with specific reasons and the rationale behind your decision based on the banking regulations and the practices
Reach out - do that extra act of putting yourself in the customer's situation and solve it
Customer Service
Handling Complaints
Any aggrieved person is a liability to a Bank
Try to solve the grievance as much as possible sincerely
I used to tell a 'no' very politely and effectively that the person receiving the 'no' used to leave very happily as if I have told a 'yes' to that person
That is Customer Service
If anybody come with a complaint immediately provide a chair to that person
Offer the person coffee or tea or cool drinks
Ask the person to relax and tell the incident
Hear patiently
Promise to do whatever possible to redress the grievance if any
Do it as early as possible
If the complaint is not sustainable then explain the reason to the complainant in detail and leave the person politely
Do not argue or try to convince
If the person is very aggressive then get the grievance in writing and tell the person that a reply will be sent soon
If possible specify the number of days before which the reply will reach the person
Both the topics are very interesting ones and books can be written on them and if time permits myself may write books on them
Moreover every Bank, Branch, Location of them, Customers differ and different approaches have to be made depending on the individual factors
More in my next POST
Innovative approach to delight customers
Banking is a Service Organisation
Understanding the Customer's needs and delivering the results in time is the essence of making them happy and loyal to the Bank
Sincerity in approach, Knowledge to come to grips of the situation and the problem faced by the Customer and providing solution immediately are some of the tactics to keep up the morale of the customer very High
Study the situation tell the Customer whether You can solve the problem or not then and there
If you can solve it then tell the customer the time duration you need to do it or if you cannot provide a solution then frankly admit your inability with specific reasons and the rationale behind your decision based on the banking regulations and the practices
Reach out - do that extra act of putting yourself in the customer's situation and solve it
Customer Service
Handling Complaints
Any aggrieved person is a liability to a Bank
Try to solve the grievance as much as possible sincerely
I used to tell a 'no' very politely and effectively that the person receiving the 'no' used to leave very happily as if I have told a 'yes' to that person
That is Customer Service
If anybody come with a complaint immediately provide a chair to that person
Offer the person coffee or tea or cool drinks
Ask the person to relax and tell the incident
Hear patiently
Promise to do whatever possible to redress the grievance if any
Do it as early as possible
If the complaint is not sustainable then explain the reason to the complainant in detail and leave the person politely
Do not argue or try to convince
If the person is very aggressive then get the grievance in writing and tell the person that a reply will be sent soon
If possible specify the number of days before which the reply will reach the person
Both the topics are very interesting ones and books can be written on them and if time permits myself may write books on them
Moreover every Bank, Branch, Location of them, Customers differ and different approaches have to be made depending on the individual factors
More in my next POST
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